WILLE | Evangelion | Fandom
WILLE (ヴィレ, Vire?) (German for volition or 'the' will) is a new organization appearing in Evangelion: 3.0 You Can (Not) Redo, which serves as an opposing force to NERV and is dedicated to prevent...
WILLE - 百度百科
WILLE是《 福音战士新剧场版:Q 》中出现的反 NERV 组织,拥有一支舰队, 主力舰 Wunder的动力是 初号机 ,舰长为葛城美里。动漫中对该组织没有太多的介绍。
如何看待《EVA》中 NERV 的标志? - 知乎
WILLE就是为了剥开NERV存在的, 随便加一点点答案,NERV的Logo不同时期的设计有很大区别。 TV版中,半片无花果叶。 新剧场版中(Q前),半片枫叶,并且在更复杂的那个Logo上遮盖的是无花果皮的皮,呈螺旋状的。 有兴趣可以去围观一下破中美丽在NERV大厅吃午饭遇到加持来调情的那一截,远景的时候背后的屏幕上在播放Logo的动画。 新剧场版(Q中),Q中出现了两个Logo,(以下必然剧透,应该都看了吧? = =)在熏带真嗣下楼围观旧司令部时可以看到满目 …
Wille - EvaWiki - An Evangelion Wiki - EvaGeeks.org
2023年6月28日 · The Logo of Wille An emblem worn by certain Wille members. Wille (ヴィレ; Ger. "will") is an anti-Nerv organization, dedicated to preventing future Impact events. Its first appearance is in Evangelion 3.0: You Can (Not) Redo.
File:Logo Wille.png - Wikimedia Commons
2021年8月11日 · Original file (1,117 × 603 pixels, file size: 42 KB, MIME type: image/png) Italiano: Logo della Wille, organizzazione fittizia del franchise di Evangelion. This logo image consists only of simple geometric shapes or text. It does not meet the threshold of originality needed for copyright protection, and is therefore in the public domain.
Category : Neon Genesis Evangelion logos - Wikimedia
2023年2月2日 · 日本語: 『新世紀エヴァンゲリオン』のロゴ。 The following 80 files are in this category, out of 80 total.
I love these Logos (Spoilers for both Original and Rebuilds)
2021年9月29日 · Wille logo is really cool, giving the context it feels like a pirate flag. But the degenerated Nerv logo is my favorite. Ominous, resembles some purpose but it is deeply changed and cryptic.
What does Wille logo mean? : r/evangelion - Reddit
2022年4月9日 · Will is a more accurate translation in the context of the Rebuilds. People have a harder time understanding "volition", when if you say "will", as in "human will", it becomes more obvious what the true intent behind WILLE's name is.
《EVA》新剧场版中NERV、SEELE、IPEA和WILLE的矢量图标,我想合起来做一张电脑桌面? 新剧场版中的四大组织,现在能从网上找到的图片都是很模糊的图片,不适合做桌面使用,IPEA的图片直接没有。 想请教各位大佬有没有矢量图可以用来做电脑桌面。 自己用的是华为MateBook14 2019款,作为桌面没有问题。 新剧场版中的四大组织,现在能从网上找到的图片都是很模糊的图片,不适合做桌面使用,IPEA的图片直接没有…
Evangelion WILLE Logo (Rebuild) - Printables.com
2023年12月1日 · The Evangelion WILLE logo, sized for a mouse pad or sign for display. Separate magnetic version and CAD file included. | Download free 3D printable STL models