Creating a RAID-5 using Storage Spaces in Windows 11
2023年10月18日 · I want to try the new Storage Spaces in Windows 11. Some years ago I bought an external enclosure with 5-bay for hard drives and also provide RAID 5 functionality out-of-the-box. It works pretty good and no issue. This time I want to mount another RAID 5 but using the built-in Storage Spaces available in Windows 11.
磁盘管理无法创建RAID-5卷 - Microsoft Community
2021年12月10日 · 了解到您目前遇到Windows 10中建立RAID-5卷的问题, 您不用担心,您可以尝试以下步骤,看能否解决您的问题: 控制面版>>存储空间,点击”创建存储池“, 勾选所有需要关联组成阵列的磁盘来创建池, 在”复原选项“中选择”奇偶校验“,完成后看看是否可行。
RAID 5 Array not displayed in Computer Management console
2009年11月3日 · -----5 mins-----set up drives in striped array using the onbard bios rom. started windows. nvidia's control panel sees the new striped array as 4.09 TB. sounds about right. windows still does not see the array in disk management. now I'll try removing the drives from the raid bios to see what windows shows.
Windows 10 Pro, Raid 5 - Microsoft Community
2018年9月15日 · I recently had the misfortune of letting a "repair shop" work on my PC, I have 3 500gb Samsung SSD's set up on my MSI MOBO to RAID 5, when I originally set this up, windows saw the raid and drive "c" was showing as 1TB, like it should, after letting this shop work on my pc it now shows "c" as only 500 gb, but the Intel Rapid storage technology ...
Configure Windows 10 RAID 5 for recovery - Microsoft Community
2019年2月26日 · HI CT. I'm Greg, an installation specialist, 9 year Windows MVP and Independent Advisor, here to help you. I would not use RAID as I've only seen bad results in ten years daily in forums. Even redundant arrays (the first letter in it's acronym!) all fail with total data loss. There's just no reason to risk that with today's huge and faster drivers.
Raid Size limit - Microsoft Community
2022年1月10日 · RAID 1 is a mirror which basically means the data is copied into both disks. RAID 5 is striped, meaning the data is spread across the drives with parity bits on each to allow the RAID to rebuild data from a lost disk. Combined with your description, I think Raid 1 is more applicable to you.
Adding drives to a raid 5 array using Windows storage spaces
2024年7月28日 · I want to use an 8 bay jabod as a archive, I'm hoping to use windows storage space to create the raid array. I will be populating 4 bays of the jabod for now and want to know if I can add more drive down the line to increase the storage in the array. * Changed to a question.
Win 11 RAID 5 Warnung: Neu erzeugen - Microsoft Community
2023年4月3日 · Um ein RAID 5-Array in Windows 11 neu zu erstellen, können Sie die folgenden Schritte ausführen: Öffnen Sie die Datenträgerverwaltung. Sie können dies tun, indem Sie mit der rechten Maustaste auf die Schaltfläche Start klicken und im Kontextmenü "Datenträgerverwaltung" auswählen. Suchen Sie das RAID 5 …
Windows 10 & RAID 5 - Microsoft Community
2015年9月29日 · I have read many treads concerning Windows 10 and RAID configuration but none seem to actually come up with a definitive answer. I had a Widows 7 Pro setup running 4 matched 500GB SATA drives in a RAID 5 configuration. This was upgrade to Windows 8 and the Windows 8.1 all without issue. About a month ago I took the free upgrade to Windows 10.
Windows 7 RAID 5 Support - Microsoft Community
2011年2月12日 · I am confused that everyone says Software RAID 5 is not supported on Windows 7 (Including Microsoft)In my system I got 3 Equal HDD,s READY for the RAID 5 and shows GREYED OUT THE OPTION. But in the other hand the TRAINNING MATERIAL from Microsoft itself MCTS Exam 70-680 Configuring Windows 7 by Ian McLean states that: