Group: Apache Wink - Maven Repository
2013年8月26日 · Apache Wink Assembly :: Aggregate JAR. org.apache.wink » wink-assembly-aggregatejar Apache
Apache Wink : JAX-RS Getting Started - The Apache Software …
2009年10月13日 · The application is packaged in a WAR file (which is similar to a JAR/ZIP file, except with special files in certain locations and a defined layout). It can be deployed in any web container, for example: Jetty, Tomcat and Geronimo.
Getting Started with Apache Wink - The Apache Software …
2010年7月27日 · The lib directory contains JARs that may be required to use Apache Wink depending on your environment. You will need the jsr311-api which contains the JSR-311 spec API classes. You will likely need to have SLF4J in the classpath as it is the logging framework used in Apache Wink.
Apache Wink :: JSON4J - Maven Repository
Version Vulnerabilities Repository Usages Date; 1.4.x. 1.4: Central
2017/04/25 - Apache Wink has been retired.
Apache Wink is a simple yet solid framework for building RESTful Web services. It is comprised of a Server module and a Client module for developing and consuming RESTful Web services. The Wink Server module is a complete implementation of the JAX-RS v1.1 specification.
Apache Wink Client - Maven Repository
Version Vulnerabilities Repository Usages Date; 1.4.x. 1.4: Central
java - Using Spring with WebSphere 8.5.5 and Apache Wink ...
2015年7月8日 · I'm currently migrating a Java app using Wink 1.1.1 and Spring 3.1.2 from WAS 7 to WAS 8.5.5. I'm trying to use the native Wink-integration that is available in WAS 8.5 instead of using the separate Wink jars we currently have now with WAS 7. I'm getting an error on server startup that looks like this:
使用 Apache Wink、Eclipse 和 Maven 开发 RESTful Web 服务
2011年10月7日 · JAX-RS 为基于 HTTP 协议的 RESTful Java Web 服务定义了一个 API。 JAX-RS 实现包括 Apache Wink、Sun Jersey 和 JBoss RESTEasy。 本文将使用 Apache Wink。 JAX-RS 利用 Java 注释的威力,使用注释来执行诸如以下的操作: JAX-RS 还提供了一个框架来构建新功能。 例如,对于自定义数据格式,程序员可以开发消息阅读器并将 Java 对象编组到 HTTP 消息并从 HTTP 消息解组它们。
Alternative to Apache Wink JSONObject/JSONException
2015年6月16日 · If you don't want to change any code then you can add your wink jars as a shared library reference in your deployed application and it should work fine. Instead of creating JSON Data using JSONObject, simply put @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON) on you method and return the value bean.
Download wink-common-1.1.3-incubating.jar : wink « w - Java2s
Download wink-common-1.1.3-incubating.jar. wink/wink-common-1.1.3-incubating.jar.zip( 526 k) The download jar file contains the following class files or Java source files.
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