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Wise, the global payments technology company, listed on the London Stock Exchange. Information about Wise and its financials
Wise PLC Share Price
View the Wise share price on our international stock ticker or the London Stock Exchange, where we're listed. Look for WISE—our stock ticker or view our performance here. You may also see this written as LSE : WISE or LON : WISE. You can also view the …
WISE PLC stock price (WISE.LON) in USD
WISE PLC stock price (WISE.LON) in USD. Buying or selling a stock that’s not traded in your local currency? Don’t let the currency conversion trip you up. Convert WISE PLC stocks or shares into any currency with our handy tool, and you’ll always know what you’re getting.
Wise: The international account | Money without borders | Wise …
Request and receive money directly with Wise, and get paid easily with account details in top currencies. It's even slicker when you sync your contacts.
WISE PLC stock price (WISE.LON) in GBP
WISE PLC stock price (WISE.LON) in GBP. Buying or selling a stock that’s not traded in your local currency? Don’t let the currency conversion trip you up. Convert WISE PLC stocks or shares into any currency with our handy tool, and you’ll always know what you’re getting.
Wise - Login
Banks charge a lot for overseas transfers. We don't. Transfer money abroad easily and quickly with our low cost money transfers.
What are the Wise group entities? | Wise Help Centre
To keep your money moving around the world, we sometimes need to share your information with our offices in other countries. Keep in mind — our offices are not open to the public.
About Wise Wise is a glob al technology comp any, building the best way to move and manage the wor ldʼs money. With Wise Account and Wise Business, people and businesses c an hold over 40 cur rencies, move money bet ween countr ies and spend money abro ad. Large comp anies and b anks use Wise technology too; an entirel y new ...
Wise Newsroom
2021年11月30日 · A new Wise study reveals that US small businesses lose $153B to hidden fees in financial transactions. These fees act as an unfair 'growth tax' limiting small businesses' ability to plan ahead and remain competitive in today's digital economy.
Cours de l'action de WISE PLC (WISE.LON) en EUR
Vous envisagez d'acheter ou de vendre des actions de WISE PLC dans une devise différente de votre devise locale ? Utilisez notre stock ticker international pour consulter et convertir facilement vos actions et vos unités dans toutes les devises dont vous avez besoin.