직관적이고 컨트롤이 쉬운 키워드 검색과 수천건의 검색 사업 노하우가 담긴 의미기반 벡터 검색을 결합한 하이브리드 검색으로 최적의 결과를 제공하는 국내 최고의 RAG 솔루션입니다. 25년간 자체 개발한 자연어처리기술과 머신러닝, 텍스트마이닝, 의미분석 및 검색 등이 복합적으로 융합된 인공지능 기반 하이브리드 챗봇 솔루션입니다. 통합검색 /시맨틱 / 마이닝 / 중복문서처리를 위한 핵심 원천기술을 보유한 국내 최대 구축사례를 보유한 대한민국 대표 통합검색 솔루션입니다. 2025. …
WiseNut - Wikipedia
WiseNut was a crawler -based search engine that officially launched on September 5, 2001. [1] Like Teoma, WiseNut automatically clustered search results, a technology called WiseGuide. [2] Despite being referred to as a "Google killer" and having a good start, WiseNut never managed to become a major search engine.
Wise Nut - Search Engine Links
Wisenut was a search engine that aimed to provide users with more accurate and relevant search results through its unique algorithm. Unlike traditional search engines, Wisenut utilized a semantic search technology that focused on understanding the context and meaning behind the user's query rather than just matching keywords.
The world where everyone communicates with everything: WISEnut is at the center of that world. a human-oriented software. Based on Absolute Empathy, we provide innovative artificial intelligence technology that enables free and equal communication with everything in the world through creativity and passion. we aim to be the best in the world.
WISEnut - Crunchbase Company Profile & Funding
WISEnut is poised to launch the most advanced and innovative search and retrieval technology for the Internet. A hybrid search solution combining keyword and vector-based searches to …
WISEnut, INC. - MoneyDJ理財網
2025年2月7日 · WISEnut, INC. (096250)成立於2000年5月,總部位於韓國京畿道城南市,從事以大數據、人工智慧 (AI)為基礎的自然語言處理、機器學習、文字探勘等語言處理相關的原創技術,開展搜尋業務,開發的核心產品包括聊天機器人在內的各種大數據與人工智慧軟件。 此外,還有提供多種服務,如雲端的聊天機器人服務、社交分析服務以及針對入口網站和媒 體網站的線上網路 …
Wisenut - software, data, solution
WISEnut is a leading Korean SW company which uses advanced natural language processing technologies in the collection, analysis, and search of unstructured Big Data. Our products and services have been used by numerous multinational enterprises including NBC.com, Hitachi, Samsung, and LG.
WISEnut - wikibin.org
WISEnut, Ltd. (CEO: Kang Yong Seng) was established in 2000 and it is number 1 company in the field of analysis, crawling and search solution of big data based on artificial intelligence.
WiseNut - 开放百科 - 灰狐
WiseNut是搜索引擎新秀,在功能上似乎比起现有的引擎有其自己的特色,而且一开始就以其宣称的含有8.5亿张网页的数据库显出咄咄逼人之势。 然而即便如此,它能否取代Google成为最受欢迎的搜索网站,现在下结论还为时过早。 原因有三: 我们知道,用户的许多行为都受习惯影响。 以国内的新闻网站为例,虽然新华网(新华社)、人民网(人民日报社)作为专业的新闻网站,其提供的信息范围更广,内容也更具深度,但由于长期养成的习惯,一部分用户依旧是只要查阅新 …
It is the best RAG solution in Korea that delivers optimal results through a hybrid search that combines intuitive and easy-to-control keyword search with semantic-based vector search containing thousands of search project know-how.
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