Wits Centenary
Celebrating 100 Years of Wits. 1922 - 2022. Our Centenary is a significant opportunity for us to galvanise our community to secure Wits’ place as one of the world’s great universities, …
Wits Centenary - University of the Witwatersrand
The Centenary is an opportunity for our global community to celebrate the impact that Wits has had on their lives, a chance to reflect and to look to the future. If we can give more people …
Project MUSE - Wits University at 100
Wits University at 100: From Excavation to Innovation captures moments of Wits’ story over 100 years through exploring its origins, the space and place that it occupies in society, its …
Wits100 News - Wits University
2022年1月11日 · Wits celebrates 100 years of excellence . 03/03/2022. The University aims to raise R3 billion through the Centenary Campaign
Wits Centenary - University of the Witwatersrand
Through your donation, we have been able to accomplish the impossible and continue working towards our vision of being a leading world-class research-intensive university. You truly make …
Homecoming - Wits University
2022年9月4日 · Come and enjoy exhibitions, film screenings, musical and theatre performances, campus tours, a spectacular light show as well as school, class and sports reunions. Make …
Wits University at 100 - directory.doabooks.org
Wits University at 100: From Excavation to Innovation captures moments of Wits’ story over 100 years through exploring its origins, the space and place that it occupies in society, its …
100 Years of changing the world. For Good - Wits University
2022年10月2日 · Wits University, and Witsies, have undoubtedly changed the world for good over the past 100 years, be it through research and innovation, teaching and learning, or civic …
2022-02 - #Wits100: The impact of giving - Wits University
Wits has embarked on a Centenary Campaign that seeks to raise R3 billion to support teaching; research and innovation; students; and infrastructure development in eight priority areas. We …
Wits Centenary - University of the Witwatersrand
Find out from two extraordinary couples who formed their lifelong relationships at Wits. One encouraged. One discouraged. One insisted. All succeeded. What do an oncologist, a …