Wixie | Creativity tool for students
Control Wixie functions at the district, school, class, user, and project level. Choose from over 50 controls including theme, default font, dictation, collaboration options and more.
Kids as digital creators | Wixie
As a parent, you want the best for your child. Wixie turns creative play into opportunities for exploration and growth. Boost reading and writing skills; Deepen math understanding; …
System Requirements - Wixie
There is a Wixie app in the App Store. We test the Wixie app with the current and previous major iOS versions on a rolling basis. Each time a new version is released, we begin testing with that …
Help - Wixie
Inspect a Wixie project. Review all the actions on a page and who did them. Print QR codes for projects. Print project QR codes for an art walk or project showcase. Favorite a template. Add …
Create a Classroom Account - Wixie
Wixie is a creative platform for powerful teaching and learning. Create a Classroom Account. No cost to get started. Free for 90 days; No credit card required to sign up; Try it with a friend or …
Home Learning | Wixie
Students can access Wixie from home the same way they do from school. Students simply log in from home to complete the work their teachers have assigned. Wixie works across a range of …
Pricing - Wixie
Wixie Pricing. Wixie has multiple account levels depending on whether you want to use Wixie yourself or with your children, are a teacher and want to use Wixie with your students, or you …
Help - Wixie
Locate the Wixie app icon, and select the heart in the upper left-hand corner. This will place Wixie in the 'Favorites' section at the top of your Portal. Add Wixie to your Clever Teacher Page
Powerful tools for teachers - Wixie
Wixie is easy to integrate into everyday instruction! Wixie provides unlimited possibilities for projects, so you only need one tool to create images, videos, interactive books, comics, …
Choose an account | Wixie
Pick the Wixie account that is just right for you. Choose the account that works for you. Individual creators. Free for 30 days; One account; Author and share projects; No credit card required to …