"wkwkwk"是什么意思? -关于印尼语 | HiNative
wkwkwkHow Indonesian laugh at internet (usually in talk room/when chatting with someone). It's like LOL or ROTFL or LMAO in English|it's hahahah or lol|same meaning like 'hahaha'|It …
Why Indonesian use "WKWKWK" instead of "HAHAHA" ? - YouTube
Many Foreigners are asking about why many Indonesian use "WKWKWK" instead of "Hahaha" to express the laughing sound in Social-Media. This is the answer. The ...
wkkwkk haus parah udah nih @azka_pensi - YouTube
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"wkwkwkwk"是什么意思? -关于印尼语 | HiNative
wkwkwkwk"hahaha"|in Indonesia wkwkw have same meaning with lol, and because you're Indonesian, i can tell you a little about wkwkw. wkwkwk itu singkatan dari wakak atau ketawa …
"the wkwkwk"是什么意思? -关于印尼语 | HiNative
the wkwkwkWkwk is slang and originated from the online gamers culture if i recall correctly. It got popular and everyone is using it nowadays.|Laughing out loud|it's 'hahahahah'|we often use …
"wkwkwk"是什麼意思? - 關於印尼語的問題 | HiNative
wkwkwk的意思How Indonesian laugh at internet (usually in talk room/when chatting with someone). It's like LOL or ROTFL or LMAO in English|it's hahahah or lol|same meaning like …
扭曲 skew ()函数能够让元素倾斜显示。 它可以将一个对象以其中心位置围绕着X轴和Y轴按照一定的角度倾斜。 与rotate ()函数的旋转不同,rotate ()函数只是旋转,而不会改变元素的形状。 …
#wkkwkk#ꊰꌦꉣꉣꉣꉣꉣꉣꉣꉣꉣꉣꉣꉣꉣꉣꉣꉣꉣ# - YouTube
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What is the meaning of "wkwkwk"? - Question about Indonesian
2019年11月28日 · Definition of wkwkwk How Indonesian laugh at internet (usually in talk room/when chatting with someone). It's like LOL or ROTFL or LMAO in English|it's hahahah or …
Why Indonesians Use ‘wkwkwk’ Instead Of ‘hahaha
2019年7月11日 · Why do Indonesians use wkwkwk instead of hahaha? It’s an age-old question that doesn’t have a definitive answer. We’ve done the due diligence, and have put together the …