wkwkwk? は インドネシア語 で何と言いますか? - HiNative
【ネイティブが回答】「wkwkwk?」 は "インドネシア語" でなんて言うの?質問に12件の回答が集まっています!Hinativeでは"インドネシア語"や外国語の勉強で気になったことを、ネイティブスピーカーに簡単に質問できます。
"wkwkwk"是什麼意思? - 關於印尼語的問題 - HiNative
wkwkwk的意思How Indonesian laugh at internet (usually in talk room/when chatting with someone). It's like LOL or ROTFL or LMAO in English|it's hahahah or lol|same meaning like 'hahaha'|It means laugh . It usually use in the chat and it same with Hahaha |it's laughter like hhhhhh|that's the expression when you laugh, same with "hahaha" |wkwkwk that was nice question but i've been laughing ...
"the wkwkwk"是什么意思? -关于印尼语 - HiNative
the wkwkwkWkwk is slang and originated from the online gamers culture if i recall correctly. It got popular and everyone is using it nowadays.|Laughing out loud|it's 'hahahahah'|we often use Hahahah too, but Wkwkwk is more informal and only used towards your peers and friends|@maudytastic13 anytime|it means hahahahahhaha|tergantung orangnya sih, kadang hahaha , kadang wkwkwk|it's hahaha|it's ...
"wkwkwk"은(는) 무슨 뜻인가요? 인도네시아어 질문 | HiNative
wkwkwk의 정의 How Indonesian laugh at internet (usually in talk room/when chatting with someone). It's like LOL or ROTFL or LMAO in English|it's hahahah or lol|same meaning like 'hahaha'|It means laugh . It usually use in the chat and it same with Hahaha |it's laughter like hhhhhh|that's the expression when you laugh, same with "hahaha" |wkwkwk that was nice question but i've been laughing ...
What is the meaning of "wkwkwk"? - Question about Indonesian
2019年11月28日 · Definition of wkwkwk How Indonesian laugh at internet (usually in talk room/when chatting with someone). It's like LOL or ROTFL or LMAO in English|it's hahahah or lol|same meaning like 'hahaha'|It means laugh . It usually use in the chat and it same with Hahaha |it's laughter like hhhhhh|that's the expression when you laugh, same with "hahaha" |wkwkwk that was nice question but i've been ...
"the wkwkwk"은(는) 무슨 뜻인가요? 인도네시아어 질문 | HiNative
the wkwkwk의 정의 Wkwk is slang and originated from the online gamers culture if i recall correctly. It got popular and everyone is using it nowadays.|Laughing out loud|it's 'hahahahah'|we often use Hahahah too, but Wkwkwk is more informal and only used towards your peers and friends|@maudytastic13 anytime|it means hahahahahhaha|tergantung orangnya sih, kadang hahaha , kadang wkwkwk|it's ...
What is the meaning of "wkwkwkwk"? - Question about Indonesian
2020年1月18日 · Definition of wkwkwkwk "hahaha"|in Indonesia wkwkw have same meaning with lol, and because you're Indonesian, i can tell you a little about wkwkw. wkwkwk itu singkatan dari wakak atau ketawa ngakak, jadi ketawa ngakak wakak wk wkwkwkwk cmiiw|I'm laughing when Indonesian asking about wkwkwkw I guess mostly of Indonesian understand what it means|It's how Indonesians say lol, it's more like a ...
Why Indonesian laugh with wkwkwkwkwk? : r/indonesia - Reddit
From my research so far, the oldest uses of wkwkwk is from Donald Duck comic books. Some said, duck laughed with kwek kwek kwek, the translator writes it as wkwkwkwk to shorten the text.
"the wkwkwk" có nghĩa là gì? - Câu hỏi về Tiếng Indonesia
Định nghĩa the wkwkwk Wkwk is slang and originated from the online gamers culture if i recall correctly. It got popular and everyone is using it nowadays.|Laughing out loud|it's 'hahahahah'|we often use Hahahah too, but Wkwkwk is more informal and only used towards your peers and friends|@maudytastic13 anytime|it means hahahahahhaha|tergantung orangnya sih, kadang hahaha , kadang wkwkwk|it ...
"the wkwkwk"是什麼意思? - 關於印尼語的問題 - HiNative
the wkwkwk的意思Wkwk is slang and originated from the online gamers culture if i recall correctly. It got popular and everyone is using it nowadays.|Laughing out loud|it's 'hahahahah'|we often use Hahahah too, but Wkwkwk is more informal and only used towards your peers and friends|@maudytastic13 anytime|it means hahahahahhaha|tergantung orangnya sih, kadang hahaha , kadang wkwkwk|it's ...