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Wn71 Vierville-sur-Mer - NormandyBunkers
Wn71 site overview What to see This small site overlooks one of the bloodiest and most hard fought for sections of the Omaha Beach landing area on the hillside at Vierville-sur-Mer.
Omaha Beach - NormandyBunkers
Click on the images below to discover more about each of the accessible Widerstandsnests (Wn) and Strongpoints (Stp) bunker sites around the Omaha Beach area in Normandy.
German strongpoints in Normandy during operation Overlord
“ Wn” is the German abbreviation of Wiederstandnest, which literally means “nest of resistance”. In military terms, this is a strongpoint. This page allows you to discover the different strongpoints of the Atlantic Wall, between the mouth of the Orne to the east and La Hougue in the Cotentin Peninsula to the west.
Wn 71 strongpoint – Atlantic wall in Normandy - D-Day Overlord
It is located on the heights overlooking the beach to the northeast of Vierville-sur-Mer. Dedicated to the close defense of the village and its accesses to the north, it consists of several shelters and tobrouks, including a casemate type SK for two machine guns (with a double embrasure). Composition of the Wn 71 strongpoint:
Dog Green sector – Omaha Beach Project
WN or Widerstandsnest 72 is part of the Atlantic Wall. Together with WN 71 and WN 73 it guarded the Dog-1 exit towards Vierville-sur-mer. They were built in 1943-44 . These three German Widerstandsneste are situated in the Dog Green sector which saw some of the heaviest fighting in the morning of june 6, 1944.
German support points WN71 Vierville-sur-Mer
German support points coded WN 71 at Vierville-sur-Mer. This blockhouse is on private land.
A map from the Great Circle Mapper - Great Circle Mapper
A map from the Great Circle Mapper. Great Circle Mapper. FAQ Featured Maps More Home Map Distances. From To Initial Heading Magnetic Heading Distance; Total: 1,271 mi ... 1,271 mi: Show Hide latitude and longitude Show Hide fractional heading FHU (31°35'18"N 110°20'40"W) WN71 (47°37'49"N 122°10'34"W)
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WN71 - Omaha Vierville
Le WN 71, séparé du WN72 par le mur antichar en travers de la route, comprenait 2 fosses à mortiers de 80mm sur la falaise, des positions de mitrailleuses ou de tireurs.