Overview — WNTR 1.3.2 documentation - GitHub Pages
The Water Network Tool for Resilience (WNTR, pronounced winter) is a Python package designed to simulate and analyze resilience of water distribution networks. Here, a network refers to the collection of pipes, pumps, valves, junctions, tanks, and reservoirs that make up a water distribution system.
GitHub - USEPA/WNTR: An EPANET compatible python package …
The Water Network Tool for Resilience (WNTR) is a Python package designed to simulate and analyze resilience of water distribution networks. The software includes capability to: Generate water network models; Modify network structure and operations; Add disruptive events including pipe leaks; Add response/repair strategies
Water Network Tool for Resilience (WNTR) — WNTR 1.3.2 …
The Water Network Tool for Resilience (WNTR) is an EPANET compatible Python package designed to simulate and analyze resilience of water distribution networks. The official WNTR software repository is hosted in the U.S. EPA’s GitHub organization (USEPA/WNTR); releases are available via PyPI and conda-forge (see Installation).
wntr从零开始学习 day1 - CSDN博客
wntr是一个与EPANET兼容的Python包,用于模拟和分析配水网络。 https://wntr.readthedocs.io/en/stable/ 是wntr的官方文档。 美国环境保护署(EPA)通过其研究与开发办公室资助并与能源部桑迪亚国家实验室达成了一项跨部门协议,进行了wntr的开发研究。 推荐查看同济大学 翻译 的epaneth汉化版用户手册来学习epanet的基本用法。 本文运行软件采用epanet2.2版本,epaneth(同济大学汉化2.0版本)会导致在调用wntr包时传入.inp文件时显示 …
Installation — WNTR 1.3.2 documentation - GitHub Pages
WNTR can be installed as a Python package as briefly described below. Detailed instructions are included in the following section. The latest release of WNTR can be installed from PyPI or Anaconda using one of the following commands in a terminal, command line, or PowerShell prompt. Detailed installation instructions are included below.
Python的WNTR库---基于供水网络 - CSDN博客
2020年12月15日 · WNTR是基于EPANET2水力水质模拟的一个Python库. 使用WNTR, 我们不必再使用EPANET软件进行模拟, WNTR提供的功能也比原生的EPANET功能要强大许多. 导入 import wntr 加载管网模型 inp_file = "Net3.inp" wn = wntr.network.WaterNetworkModel(inp_file) 加载inp之 …
WNTR数据分析 - CSDN博客
2021年5月14日 · WNTR是基于EPANET2水力水质模拟的一个Python库. 使用WNTR, 我们不必再使用EPANET软件进行模拟, WNTR提供的功能也比原生的EPANET功能要强大许多. 导入 import wntr 加载管网模型 inp_file = "Net3.inp" wn = wntr.network.WaterNetworkModel(inp_file) 加载inp之 …
探索水网韧性:WNTR开源项目深度解析 - GitCode博客
Water Network Tool for Resilience(简称WNTR)是一个由美国环保署(USEPA)开发的Python软件包,专为模拟和评估饮用水分布网络的弹性而设计。 它提供了一套全面的功能,旨在帮助研究人员和工程师更好地理解并增强供水系统的抗灾能力。
Examples — WNTR 1.3.2 documentation - GitHub Pages
WNTR comes with Python code examples that illustrate several use cases, including: Getting started example: This example generates a water network model, simulates hydraulics, and plots simulation results.
WNTR学习笔记 - 灰信网(软件开发博客聚合)
WNTR是基于EPANET2水力水质模拟的一个Python库. 使用WNTR, 我们不必再使用EPANET软件进行模拟, WNTR提供的功能也比原生的EPANET功能要强大许多. s = wn.links._data[i]._start_node # 获取管线首尾节点. e = wn.links._data[i]._end_node. print(i, s, e) wn.nodes._data[i]._initial_quality = 0 # 设置初始节点的水质都为0. wn.remove_source(i) start_time= 3 * 3600, end_time= 24 * 3600, duration=wn.options.time.duration,