Warrant of fitness - Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
2000年1月1日 · A warrant of fitness (WoF) is a regular check to ensure that your vehicle meets required safety standards. It’s your job to keep your vehicle up to WoF condition at all times. …
2024年11月14日 · 据 RNZ 报道,每一位初到新西兰的华人在买车、用车的过程中都会接触到 "WoF"(Warrant of Fitness),这与中国实行的机动车年检性质相同,是为了确保上路行驶车 …
Warrant of Fitness - VTNZ
When your vehicle passes its Warrant of Fitness (WoF) inspection, we give you more than just a sticker for your vehicle. We’ll ensure your car is legally compliant and, more importantly, safe …
Warrant of Fitness - Wikipedia
A Warrant of Fitness (WoF) is an official New Zealand document certifying that a light motor vehicle has passed a compulsory periodic inspection of safety and roadworthiness.
Warrant of Fitness: How Much Does a WoF Cost? - Canstar
2024年10月1日 · Getting a warrant of fitness (WoF) for your vehicle is a legal requirement if you plan to drive it on public roads, and you risk a hefty fine if you’re busted driving without one. So …
新西兰定期车检 WoF | Car Page
2012年3月11日 · 新西兰的车辆检测WOF主要检查以下项目</p> <ul> <li> <p>轮胎,看看有没有可见的裂纹或是轮胎花纹深度不够</p> </li> <li> <p>刹车系统是否有效(包括脚刹车和手刹 …
What you need to know about a Warrant of Fitness (WoF) - MTA …
For older vehicles you have to get a warrant of fitness check every: Six months if your vehicle was first registered anywhere in the world before 1 January 2000. Our members can provide you …
Vehicle Inspection and Certification (VIC)
Access vehicle inspection and certification information, including warrant of fitness (WoF) requirements, on the NZ Transport Agency's VIC portal.
Car requirements - Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
Find out what your motor vehicle must have before you can drive or park on the road. Privately operated cars, utes, vans and 4-wheel drives must have a current WoF. Commercial vehicles …
Establishing whether the vehicle requires a WoF or CoF | Vehicle ...
The lists below show the type of inspection and certification (WoF or CoF) that is required for the different types of vehicles. A CoF is required for the following vehicles: Heavy vehicles, other …