Check expiry query - NZTA
Use this query to check the expiry date of a vehicle's: licence (rego) exemption from licensing; last WoF/CoF inspection (failed inspections will not display). You'll need: the vehicle's plate number.
Warrant of fitness - Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
2000年1月1日 · A warrant of fitness (WoF) is a regular check to ensure that your vehicle meets required safety standards. It’s your job to keep your vehicle up to WoF condition at all times. For example, while tyres on your vehicle may pass on the day of your warrant inspection, you’ll need to replace them as soon as the tread gets to the minimum depth.
SPIN ID | Wheel Watchers Club - Wheel of Fortune
Check your SPIN ID to see if you won.
Warrant of Fitness - VTNZ
Next time you’re in, why not add a Maintenance Check* to your WoF for only $28. It’s the perfect way to ensure your car is safe and reliable. We’ll make sure that your battery is charging and your brake fluid is in good condition, as well as 12 other key essentials of …
New Vehicle Inspection and Certification system
2025年2月26日 · We’ve replaced WoF Online with a modern, more intuitive, and easier to use application, Vehicle Inspection and Certification (VIC). You can access VIC at vic.nzta.govt.nz. Modern and easy to use. Ability to view additional vehicle details and previous WoF inspection information. Vehicle warnings displayed upfront.
What you need to know about a Warrant of Fitness (WoF) - MTA …
A Warrant of Fitness (WoF) is a regular check to ensure that your vehicle meets the required safety standards. It is illegal in New Zealand to drive a vehicle if it does not meet the WoF requirements or if a valid WoF label is not displayed.
Warrant of Fitness (WoF) | Tony's Tyre and Auto Care
A Warrant of Fitness inspection is an annual check to ensure that your vehicle meets the required safety standards as set by the New Zealand Transport Agency. It’s illegal in New Zealand to drive a car that doesn’t meet WOF requirements or doesn’t display a valid WOF label at all times.
Search - Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency
Check your licence, exemption and inspection expiry dates online Vehicle licensing fees Licensing fees are different for different kinds. Travelling overseas Make sure you check the expiry date on your licence if you’re going to be driving overseas, because your New Zealand licence can’t be renewed from overseas.
WoF验车单可以用作对买二手车的判断依据吗? - 看新西兰
新西兰的家庭自用车辆使用的是 Warrant of Fitness 也就是简称的 WoF 方式对车辆的安全性能进行年度检测,其主要检查内容包括车身结构、轮胎、车灯、刹车悬挂、转向、安全带、门锁、刹车、玻璃、气囊、电子辅助安全装置等等对车辆在行驶中的安全有影响的部件 ...
Inspect - Digital eWOF Checksheets
Save 5 minutes per inspection and eliminate the pain of paperwork. Complete WoF and CoF inspections faster, easier, and more accurately with our digital eWoF checksheets. Inspect works on phones, tablets, laptops, and desktop computers. “The guys have put a heap of effort into developing a real time and effort saving system.