Wolffia - Wikipedia
Wolffia is a genus of aquatic plants with a cosmopolitan distribution. [1] . They include the smallest flowering plants on Earth. [2] . Commonly called watermeal or rootless duckweed, [3][4] these aquatic plants resemble specks of cornmeal floating on the water.
芜萍 - 百度百科
芜萍( Wolffia arrhiza (L.) Wimmer)是天南星科芜萍属植物,飘浮水面或悬浮,细小如沙,为世界上最小的种子植物。叶状体卵状半球形,上面绿色,扁平,具气孔,背面凸起,淡绿色,表皮细胞五至六边形;无叶脉及根。
Genome of the world’s smallest flowering plant, Wolffia …
2021年7月22日 · The watermeal Wolffia australiana is the smallest monocot plant known to date and has a high total protein content that varies from 20% to 30% of the freeze-dry weight 1. The latter makes...
Wolffia - North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox
It is the smallest flowering plant in the world flourishing in temperate, sub-tropical, and tropical locations. Each plant is typically 1/42" long and 1/85" wide. This aquatic plant, resembling cornmeal, is found floating on the surface of still to slowly moving waters of ponds, lakes, beaver ponds, ditches, and swamps.
Wolffia arrhiza - Wikipedia
Wolffia arrhiza, commonly known as spotless watermeal or rootless duckweed, is a species of flowering plant in the Araceae family, which includes other water-loving plants such as Arum and Pistia. It is the smallest vascular plant on Earth.
The World's Smallest Fruit Is Stunningly Nutritious
2023年7月10日 · A type of pond-floating duckweed, the Asian watermeal plant (Wolffia globosa) may bear the world's smallest flower and fruit, but it offers up a massive-sized nutritional profile that rivals or surpasses some of the world's best-known superfoods.
无根萍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
无根萍(Wolffia globosa),又名“大球藻”、“藻砂”、“芜萍”或“微萍”,屬於天南星科 微萍属。 無根萍生長于世界各地的 池塘 和 水田 ,並可作用于餵鱼。
What is the smallest flower in the world? | Library of Congress
2019年11月19日 · Each Wolffia flower consists of a single pistil and stamen; it also produces the world’s smallest fruit, called a utricle. The plant is found in quiet freshwater lakes or marshes with species worldwide. Since the plants have no roots, they can easily float on the surface of the water, where they resemble cornmeal.
Wolffia, a minimalist plant and synthetic biology chassis
2022年5月1日 · Wolffia is the smallest of duckweeds, at 1 mm diameter, with reduced morphology, lacking roots as well as vasculature but retaining key anatomical features and core pathways found in other plants, making it a potential synthetic plant biology chassis.
Research catches up to world's fastest-growing plant
3 天之前 · Wolffia, also known as duckweed, is the fastest-growing plant known, but the genetics underlying this strange little plant's success have long been a mystery to scientists. New findings about the...