1680-1689 - Fashion History Timeline
2020年7月20日 · In the 1680s, the bustled and trained mantua became the dominant dress for women, often in dark silk brocades. Men continued to wear the justaucorps, which was now …
Women in British politics, c.1689-1979 - Archive.org
2022年3月3日 · "This survey examines some_of the areas of women's political activity in Britain from the Glorious Revolution to the election of the first female Prime Minister in 1979. It shows …
1690-1699 - Fashion History Timeline
2020年7月23日 · The 1690s silhouette for women was extremely vertical and linear with the long-trained mantua being amplified by the towering fontange lace headdress. The more modest …
1 - The Radicalism of Female Rule in Eighteenth-Century Britain
2021年4月30日 · Since the Glorious Revolution of 1688–1689, and only accelerating with the American and French revolutions, certain reformers had begun to probe their nation’s …
Royalist Women Writers, 1650-1689 - 豆瓣读书
Royalist Women Writers aims to put women back on the map of seventeenth-century royalist literature from which they have habitually been marginalised. Looking in detail at the work of …
Women in British Politics, 1689–1979 - Taylor & Francis Online
2013年1月23日 · This book offers a useful overview of women's political influence throughout 300 years of British history. Starting with the Glorious Revolution of 1689, Cowman maps the …
Women in British Politics 1689-1979 (Gender and History) - 豆 …
2010年10月12日 · Krista Cowman's highly approachable survey examines some of the areas of women's political activity in Britain from the period of the Glorious Revolution to the election of …
Royalist Women Writers, 1650-1689 - Oxford Academic
2004年10月14日 · The book offers a detailed account of these women's engagements with the different aspects of royalist culture salient to their literary production, each in their particular …
Women in British Politics, c.1689-1979 (Gender and History, 24)
2010年12月9日 · This account examines some of the areas of women's political activity in Britain from the Glorious Revolution to the election of the first female Prime Minister in 1979. It shows …
- 评论数: 1
- 作者: Krista Cowman
“A Modern Woman, born 1689”: Lady Mary Wortley Montagu in …
This article examines the early suffragist and suffragette revival of Lady Mary Wortley Montagu (1689-1762). Studying Montagu’s representation in prominent suffrage journals and the writing …