How do you spell 'hoo-wee!' - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
2024年12月6日 · Woo and woo-hoo (and variations like yahoo, yee-haw, and yippee) indicate excitement. (Woot, also spelled w00t among an online in-crowd, is a probably ephemeral variant.)
Witch Doctor - Ooh Eeh Ooh Ah Aah Ting Tang Walla Walla Bing
Cartoons - Witch DoctorI do not own the song, all rights go to respectful owners.
Witch Doctor -Ooh Eeh Ooh Ah Aah Ting Tang (lyrics) - YouTube
Song: Ooh Eeh Ooh Ah Aah Ting Tang Walla Walla BingAutor: Witch DoctorNew song !! :) Enjoy!
Witch Doctor (song) - Wikipedia
In the song, the narrator asks a witch doctor for romantic advice because he has fallen in love with a girl; the witch doctor responds in a high-pitched, squeaky voice with a nonsense incantation …
[TOMT] [SONG] Looking for an early 2000s pop song that had a "woo-ooo …
2017年7月30日 · [TOMT] [SONG] Looking for an early 2000s pop song that had a "woo-ooo, wee-ooo" in the chorus that I heard on the radio. Distinctly remember the second was higher …
Lyrics for Witch Doctor by David Seville - Songfacts
Ooo eee ooo ah ah ting tang walla walla bing bang. Mad Tom from Turnersville Nj Anyone know who the actress/model was who appeared (as the girlfriend, wearing the pith helmet) with …
What song is this? (wooo woooo wooo woooooo) - Straight Dope
2007年6月4日 · There is a song that’s been playing on the radio that I’ve been trying to find on iTunes, but I don’t know the title, or the lyrics. It has a very distinctive beginning, though. For …
Witchdoctor (Oo Ee Oo Ah Ah Ting Tang Walla Walla Bing Bang…
The C.R.S. Players - Witchdoctor (Oo Ee Oo Ah Ah Ting Tang Walla Walla Bing Bang) Lyrics. Hey witch doctor, give us the magic words! Alright, you go: Ooh, eeh, ooh, ah, ah, ting, tang, …
WITCH DOCTOR - Lyrics - International Lyrics Playground
WITCH DOCTOR (Ross Bagdaserian Jr.) David Seville - 1958 Also recorded by: AC Rock; Joanie Bartels; Cartoons DK; The Chipmunks; Devo; Hit Crew; Don Lang; Sha Na Na; Tombstones. I …
[TOMT] song - "Oooeeeoooowooh" like beach boys or …
2016年2月27日 · The verse is a guy chanting almost in a monotone, with a very upbeat tune, and then every time he stops, they go, in falsetto, "oooh eee-ooo wooh" (with the 'wooh' slightly …