Baldur’s Gate 3 guide: Where to find Halsin the druid
2020年10月14日 · Beyond the door is the worg pens. Take the stairs down and to the right, and you’ll see some goblins harassing a bear. This creature is in fact, Halsin. There are several ways to deal with this...
Halsin (Location, Recruiting & Bear Scene) Baldur’s Gate 3 (BG3)
2023年8月16日 · The Halsin Bear Scene begins once you reach his cage and attempt to save him in the Worg Pens, which causes him to break down a gate. This ends up killing one of the goblins and gives you an advantage as there will be a lot of …
How to Save the First Druid Halsin | Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3)|Game8
2024年11月7日 · The First Druid Halsin is a wild-shifted Cave Bear locked behind a gate by three goblins. Approaching them will trigger a set of dialogue options where you can choose to leave the bear be to stoned (or even partake in it) or choose to free the bear .
Worg Bear - Animated Blockbench Model - Sketchfab
2021年2月21日 · A Worg-Bear is a combination of a wolf and a bear, and… something else? Not really sure, it’s made up! The rigg is built so that animations for this Blockbench 3D model are easy to make.
Rescuing the Druid Halsin - Baldur's Gate III Guide - IGN
2025年1月1日 · Enter through the wooden door in the back of the room to get to the Worg Pens. This is where you will find Halsin. Halsin is in bear form, being tormented by a group of Goblins outside his cell.
How To Find Halsin In The Goblin Camp In Baldur's Gate 3
2023年9月5日 · Enter the door past them and you will arrive in the Worg Pens. Go down the stairs on the right side to find goblin children outside of a cage with a bear in it. Halsin is in a precarious spot...
Rescue the Druid Halsin - bg3.wiki
Halsin can be found in the Worg Pens area at X: 393 Y: -60 of the Shattered Sanctum, in the interior area of the Goblin Camp. While in his wildshape bear form, his goblin captors are harassing him, unaware of his identity.
Where is Halsin in Baldur's Gate 3? | PC Gamer
2023年8月11日 · Go through the door and you'll arrive at the Worg Pens. Once you're in the room, if you have it, use your speak with animals spell. Enter the room and you'll see a bear on the right-hand side...
Save the First Druid - bg3.wiki
Halsin can be found in the Worg Pens area at X: 393 Y: -60 of the Shattered Sanctum, in the interior area of the Goblin Camp. While in his wildshape bear form, his goblin captors are harassing him, unaware of his identity. Details on how to approach the Goblin Camp and free Halsin are described below.
worg 3d models - STLFinder
A Worg-Bear combines elements of a wolf and a bear, blended together in a unique way. I designed the rig so that creating animations for this 3D model is straightforward with Blockbench. The download includes: * A Blockbench file * Model.json file...