6 Day Mass Routine - Bodybuilding.com Forums
2009年7月6日 · Working out 6 days a week with sunday off. Each muscle worked twice in one week. Based on the Push/Pull/Legs split. 5 exercises for each day. Abs optional at the end of each workout. On back days you will notice I added 1 shoulder exercise, those exercises mainly work the rear head on the back so I added those there with the back routine.
Looking for a 30 Day Challenge - Dumb bell only routine - with ...
2024年7月15日 · So far my journey has been diet challenges, and I am now looking to do a "Work out every day for 30 days" challenge. I sit at 249lbs, 5ft 11". Recently lost 20lbs from my recent challenge. I am OMAD currently, and low/no carb. I am looking for a dumbbell-only workout routine for the 30 days. No
Hodgetwins routine? - Bodybuilding.com Forums
2012年3月29日 · Lol idk if it would actually work, but it seems like it would make sense on how they layed it out. I remember being a nub, i did triceps then the next day chest. Ohhh was that terrible. Check it out. Tell me if it's actually a good routine I wana try it. Link didn't show up my bad here's the layout tho for the begginer. ****Chest, Triceps ...
Workout Programs - Bodybuilding.com Forums
2013年10月14日 · The most popular bodybuilding message boards!
17 year old girl needs advice for workout routine
2007年7月1日 · I do the same workout every other day almost all of my workout is done on the bulflex. I am a little heavy 5.5 and 145 pounds and 30 inch waist. I would like to loose fat and bulk up, I only eat veggies, fruits, rice, raw eggs, whey protein and take Amino acids. I don't touch any kind of sugar or anything thats all I eat.
best workout routines for 15 year-old - Bodybuilding.com Forums
2011年1月11日 · What is the best workout routine for people my age and weight (115 lbs)? I'm thinking about rippetoe's but ...
Switching from split routine to full body - Bodybuilding.com Forums
2014年10月19日 · So I've decided to switch from a split routine to a full body. The decision is mostly down to the fat burning quality of full body work outs. I am currently following a carb cycling diet.
I need constructive comments on my workout - Bodybuilding.com …
2010年1月26日 · Hello, my name is Jimmy, and I've been working out on and off for 2 years. But I can now workout consistently because I graduated university and have a lot of free time. My goal is strength and mass, but I emphasize strength. I don't do deadlifts because I'm training for marathon. I want any constructive tips or comments on my routine.
Julian Greaux workout question - Bodybuilding.com Forums
2012年1月16日 · I recently came across Julian Greaux 365 workout and thought it sounded interesting. I'll be trying it all this week, but I had a question, I'm not sure if anyone here could answer it for me. I was wanting to know if his 5 day week workout is really 7 with a 2 day rest on the weekend or if it's a consecutive 5 day workout program. For example ...
Is my exercise routine any good - Bodybuilding.com Forums
2007年3月22日 · Hello, I am 15 almost 16 years old and I'm curious as to if my workout routine is any good. I used to weigh 67 kg back when i was 13 then i lost 10 kilos and have kept it off ever since, i have been exercising for quite a while doing my own style of workout and making my own changes, so i'd like to get someones opinion on if its good.