Worm gears operate under difficult conditions, presenting unique lubrication demands. They serve as speed reducers in many different industries and applications. This article addresses how effectively lubricated worm gears affect worm gear performance.
The gear ratio for worm drives is the number of teeth on the worm wheel to the number of threads (or starts) on the worm. The high gear ratio and configuration of the two gear elements allow for a compact design, making the worm drive a great option for space-limited areas.
Usage of lubricants under improper conditions cause damage to gear teeth. When using gears at high speed / heavy load, or when using easily worn gears such as worm gears or screw gears, care should be taken in selecting the right type of lubricant; quantity and methods.
2021年3月15日 · Applying a lubricant between sliding surfaces reduces frictional vibration to minimize noise emissions. A grease can even be tested to prove its “quietness.” The right worm gear grease will reduce temperatures, extend component life, and reduce noise to ultimately improve gearbox efficiency and help achieve design goals.
PAGs are excellent for worm gear appli-cations. They possess superior lubricity properties and have good low- and high-tem-perature properties. The high viscosity indi-ces of PAGs (up to 280) allows the use of lower viscosity grades, thereby minimizing internal friction and improving worm gear ef-ficiency. Most PAGs contain antiwear properties,
Two major types of synthetic gear oils have been used successfully in challenging conditions with worm gears: polyalphaolefins and polyalkelene glycols. Polyalphaolefins (PAOs) are the most common type of synthetic lubricant.
2024年2月1日 · Proper lubrication is critical for ensuring the longevity and performance of worm gears. The lubricant serves multiple purposes, including reducing friction, preventing wear, dissipating heat, and protecting against corrosion.