2018年8月1日 · GRA Benefits • Represents Govt’s understanding of weapon system • Modeled within modern architectural tool • Helps Govt understand design trade space • Facilitates discussions during all phases • Readily useable as the starting point for future efforts 8
New technical standard refines open solution > WIN THE FUTURE …
2022年1月26日 · Weapon Open System Architecture is now a standard for a modular open systems approach to acquiring weapons systems. WOSA is different from acquisition processes of the past. The standard requires that a partnering relationship exist …
2024年8月29日 · A-GRA avoids vendor lock, enables rapid iteration, is extensible to other platforms, and underpins interoperability
2025年1月22日 · The Air Force’s requirement for its air-launched munition programs to use the Weapon Open Systems Architecture (WOSA) standard in their designs illustrates the influence of leadership priorities on program decisions related to a MOSA.
AFMC utilizes MOATEL as verification resource
2022年4月26日 · The Weapons Open System Architecture (WOSA) Communication Graph shows the real-time communication occurring within a munition as messages, and the data within messages are being sent from one subsystem to another. WOSA refers to platforms in which system interfaces share widely accepted standards, with which conformance can be verified.
Provide armament acquisition programs with digital training, tools, and expertise that enable agility and modularity in order to increase speed to field and prove disruptive to the armament building machines of our competitors.
Government Reference Architectures - DTO Digital Guide
2022年12月18日 · GRAs benefit the government in various ways. They promote procurement efficiencies through consistent guidance for system requirements and the use of standard contracting language. GRAs also shorten acquisition timelines, maximize component and subsystem reuse, limit non-recurring engineering, and reduce development cost.
再论 NGAD 六代机的首飞 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
机上的 mosa gra 参考架构 六代机的机载武器的 WOSA GRA 六代机,如何基于 GRA,敏捷开发、测试、评估机载任务软件和弹载任务软件
New technical standard refines open solution - Dayton Daily News
2022年2月10日 · Weapon Open System Architecture is now a standard for a modular open systems approach to acquiring weapons systems. WOSA is different from acquisition...
New technical standard refines open solution > Air Force Materiel ...
2022年1月26日 · Weapon Open System Architecture is now a standard for a modular open systems approach to acquiring weapons systems. WOSA is different from acquisition processes of the past. The standard requires that a partnering relationship exist …