GitHub - MetalKnight/woss-ns3: WOSS is a framework that …
This repository aims to introduce WOSS support for ns3 users. WOSS is a multi-threaded C++ framework that permits the integration of any existing underwater channel simulator that …
Releases · MetalKnight/woss-ns3 - GitHub
2025年1月31日 · woss-ns3 has been updated to WOSS v1.9.0.1 release, in order to fix NetCDF-C++4 API warning issue. WOSS is a framework that permits the integration of any underwater …
World Ocean Simulation System - WOSS
WOSS 1.13.0 fixes bugs in SHD and ARR file parsing in binary format. g++13 users are required to update WOSS and WOSS-NS3 to v1.12.6 or greater. WOSS and WOSS-NS3 users are …
ns-3 App Store - World Ocean Simulation System ns-3 integration
2018年7月9日 · WOSS is a multi-threaded C++ framework that permits the integration of any existing underwater channel simulator that expects environmental data as input and provides …
WOSS Integration with NS-3 - Jay Patel
2020年10月19日 · WOSS is a multi-threaded C++ framework that permits the integration of any existing underwater channel simulator that expects environmental data as input and provides …
woss-ns3/examples/woss-aloha-example.cc at master - GitHub
WOSS is a framework that permits the integration of any underwater channel simulator that expects environmental data and provides a channel realization. WOSS integrates the Bellhop …
chl160/woss-ns3v12.2 - Gitee
This repository aims to introduce WOSS support for ns3 users. WOSS is a multi-threaded C++ framework that permits the integration of any existing underwater channel simulator that …
【ns-3】零基础安装教程 - CSDN博客
2023年9月27日 · 首先介绍了网络仿真与ns-3的基本概念,然后详细阐述了ns-3环境的搭建步骤、基础操作、模拟场景的运行与调试。文章深入解析了ns-3网络协议栈,包括路由协议、传输层 …
【论文翻译】基于NS 3的水声网络半实物仿真平台Aqua-Psim - 知乎
SUNSET [12]和DESERT [5]是基于NS-2的网络级模拟器,支持NS-2-Miracle [ 3 ]的库。 通过与WOSS相结合,可以实现更真实的水下声信道仿真。 然而,这种多平台开发对于用户来说是 …
Using World Ocean Simulation System (WOSS) library with ns-3
2023年2月10日 · Step 2: Install ns-3. WOSS-ns3 is a WOSS ns3 Integration Framework module that can be installed on ns-3. So, install suitable version of ns-3 as per your need. You may …