How can I get the T95/FV4201 Chieftain? - Arqade
2020年5月27日 · There's this rare tank in the game, T95/FV4201 Chieftain, which I often hear of as a "overpowered reward tank". However, many people including me don't really know how …
world of tanks - How does the 'High Caliber' award work? - Arqade
2020年5月18日 · I had a pretty good battle in my T95, hoping for the 'High Caliber' Battle Hero award, which is awarded for the highest damage dealt in a battle. When I checked the Team …
world of tanks blitz - How is WN7 and WN8 Calculated and which …
Which one of the measures is the most accurate for knowing how good of a player you are? I know that WN8 is more modern but in the WoTB community, WN7 is more widely used than …
Newest 'world-of-tanks' Questions - Arqade
I'm driving a Luchs (Light Tank) as a scout in WoT and I'm having a problem about choosing between the main gun: Gun 3cm M.K. 103 Gun 5cm Kw.K. 39 L/60 The latteris better in every …
world of tanks - How to get female crew I failed to claim - Arqade
WoT support said this: "The Female crew that you are referring to that you were unable to assign in any tank is a compensation for the Campaign Mission that happens to have an issue before. …
Is there a point in increasing my view range over 445m in ... - Arqade
2014年9月3日 · When calculating spotting range, i.e. the range at which you would see a particular target, the camo rating of enemy tanks will knock a tank's view range back down, so …
world of tanks - What's this badge? - Arqade
2018年1月8日 · Lately I have seen one of these badge-things that are displayed next to players name. Here is a picture of it: I have been wondering: What is this? only quite a few players …
Transferable Crew in World of Tanks - Arqade
2014年7月16日 · World of tanks allows some crews to be transferred to other tanks without losing the crew skill %, for example Stug to E25. Is there alist of tank crews that can be transferred? …
How to 'force' Minecraft music to play? - Arqade
2021年12月29日 · I have taken a look at these two answers but they do not mention a way to force the Minecraft music to play: [1] [2] I was wondering if there is a way to 'force' music to …
How to summon a mob with armor in Bedrock? - Arqade
2021年1月25日 · Stack Exchange Network. Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for …