Releasing the WOTLK version of my spreadsheets (RPB & CLA)
2022年9月14日 · For those that already know those spreadsheets here are the big new features outside of full WOTLK support: - new "General" sheet for the RPB where things that all classes use is displayed for all roles together - "buff consumables" is now ten times faster and lists prepop and infight potion usage
Raid review spreadsheets for WOTLK (Combat Log Analytics
Raid review spreadsheets for WOTLK (Combat Log Analytics & Role Performance Breakdown) version 1.1.0 ...
Warcraft Logs : r/wotlk - Reddit
2022年10月26日 · Logs and your parse will show how well you did amongst your class in similar conditions. But on the same note, parsing/logs don’t account for that RNG fuckery, so on a fight like EoE if you’re a melee who doesn’t get a disk to go up and melee those adds, you’re going to parse pretty poorly against the other DPS warriors who do get the disk.
Check out this really good tool for tanks. It let's you ... - Reddit
2021年7月21日 · Tldw, breaks down warcraft logs into threat graphs, allows you to see TPS from every ability, can clip the fight to look at certain points, hover mouse to see certain abilities. Excellent for diagnostics and breaking down what way have gone wrong on a pull or to just improve your own threat output.
Where to find wowlogs for WOTLK : r/wotlk - Reddit
2022年5月31日 · Logs are all since gone for wrath, but I can answer this for you. Holy Paladins normally have little to no healing done via judgement of light. This is because the tank will usually judge light bc they can get 100% uptime and they don’t need to judge mana bc the heals they receive replen their mana + divine plea.
is there a tool like wow analyzer but for classic ? : r/wotlk - Reddit
2022年10月10日 · Hi Is there a tool like wow analyzer but for classic ? I remember using it in BFA to improve my DPS rotation but i cant find a similar thing for classic and i'd like to understand why in my logs from last night, there are some logs where i'm purple and some where i'm green.
How do I use logs? : r/wotlk - Reddit
Logs are mainly for raids. They won't help much on dungeons where the majority of wipes will be on trash. Your groups are likely failing for the following reasons: You are very undergeared (like sub 4.5k gs) queueing gammas. If this is the case, do …
Raid Logs for Wotlk : r/wowservers - Reddit
2017年4月7日 · I can understand the gear swapping but after the first and maybe second guild clear the fresh content there is no reason to not post the logs. Maybe I'm an elitist and love logs but I feel it adds an extra drive to perform well and to brag and say my guild has the fastest clear or boss kill or highest dps rogue on the server etc .
What exactly are logs? : r/classicwowtbc - Reddit
2021年9月26日 · logs tell you exactly how a player plays, with you being able to see how they compared to other people in that fight, what abilities they used and when, and what kind of impact other people in that fight had on them. you can see things like whether hunters let their pets die, whether healers are wasting mana on overhealing, whether someone ...
All WOTLK Classics Logs Deleted : r/classicwow - Reddit
2023年5月29日 · The logs are deleted from the start of Phase 1 to now. And logs were all done by me, and different people at times. I have the logs saved in my log file, I am not sure if i reupload these if I will have the same high score for each boss, as damaged has changed over the phase.