E 25 — Tier VII German tank destroyer - Blitz Hangar
The E 25 was developed by the Argus company (Karlsruhe, Germany) under the supervision of Dr. Herman Klaue. No prototypes were manufactured. Low HP, Good DPM, Penetration 194, Damage 160, Reload time: 3.20, Precise, Good gun depression, Fast, Small, Good mobility. All about the tank: hidden stats, armor, 3D model.
E 25 | WoT Blitz Wiki | Fandom
Overall, the E 25 should be played as a very mobile sniper, or a passive scout in case of emergency. It features an impressive 26.62 hp/ton ratio, making it quite fast and allowing you to reach positions quickly, as well as climb into some hard-to-reach locations only light tanks normally can reach.
E 25 – GuidesBlitz
E 25 is a German tier 7 premium tank destroyer. It has high mobility, great DPM, and great accuracy. The armour is light and HP pool is low. Is it worth getting? (The E 25 in the images is using Improved Assembly)
WOTB | E25 | SO MUCH DPM!!! - YouTube
In todays video ill be talking about the E25 one of the craziest tanks in world of tanks blitz and if its worth the price!My Discordhttps://discord.gg/WHptkM...
E 25 "#1" - Global wiki. Wargaming.net
The Е 25 "#1" is a premium version of the Е 25 tank destroyer featuring sand color camouflage and lightning-bolt insignia on the sides. This tier VII German tank destroyer is one of fastest tanks in its tier. The gun has the fastest reload time for a tier VII …
E-25:分析,参数,对比 - 《坦克世界》
E 25 - World of Tanks Blitz Wiki* - WIKIWIKI
2024年12月23日 · E 25駆逐戦車は重量25tクラスの戦闘車両で偵察戦車、中駆逐戦車、重武器運搬車として開発された。 WG曰く「ノミ」というコードネームがつけられていたらしい、なのでゴキブリではなくノミである。 どちらにせよあんまりな渾名なのは変わらないような・・・ ※平均勝率は参考数値であり、その車両の絶対的な強さを示すものではありません。 駆逐戦車 の生命線である主砲は 三凸 と同じもの (プレ車なので互換性はない)を搭載しているが、流 …
E 25 - Global wiki. Wargaming.net
Overall the E 25 should be played as a very mobile sniper, and a passive scout in a pinch. It features an impressive 26.62 hp/ton ratio, making it quite fast and allowing you to reach positions quickly, as well as climb into some hard to reach locations only light tanks normally can reach.
WOTB 单车解析 第二十七期 别看我小,但我很强 E25
E25这杆75炮是全游最准的75炮之一,无论是缩圈还是散布都非常优秀,并且银币弹是其他L/70的金币弹,是194穿的APCR,这无疑增加了其强度。 并且这个APCR的弹速极快,是激光炮的水准,整体手感基本上是指哪打哪。 金币弹250穿使其进入8级房见到肌肉车也不虚。 DPM方面,E25也非常优秀,3.2秒的75炮,DPM达到了3000整,还是比较恐怖的。 这杆炮整体来看手感很好。 装甲方面没什么好说的,这车装甲近乎裸奔。 正面可以勉强防防152以下的HE,侧后更 …
【Wotb】E25 钨激战神幻影坦克,甚至有超瞄和超转
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