IS-5 — Tier VIII Soviet heavy tank - Blitz Hangar
Good HP, Low DPM, Penetration 221, Damage 400, Reload time: 11.79, High damage, Big caliber. All about the tank: hidden stats, armor, 3D model.
【wotb坦克杂谈】#52、便宜没好货——is5(730工程) - 哔哩哔哩
在整个游戏里,除了白嫖的八金之外,要说最便宜的八金,那is5无疑是第一位的。 作为个人军团等级十级才能解锁的车,一般解锁这车的时候,怎么也都好几千场了,一般情况下也不是个菜鸟了。 不过这车强度嘛,实在是…… 资料和图片主要来源于维基百科和坦克百科以及部分军武论坛和纪录片,并仅发于b站。 本文不是极其严谨的科普,是军盲向的科普,如发现问题,请不要告诉别人(误) 1、历史. 这车历史难找死了…… 历史上叫做is5的其实有两个。 要知道,当年毛子 …
IS-5 (Object 730) - Global wiki. Wargaming.net
The IS-5 (Object 730) is a Soviet tier 8 premium heavy tank. The development of the vehicle was started in 1949 by the Design Bureau of the Chelyabinsk Kirov Plant under the supervision of Joseph Kotin. In 1950 a preproduction batch of 10 vehicles was launched.
IS-5 | WoT Blitz Wiki | Fandom
The IS-5 (Object 730) is a Tier VIII Soviet Premium Heavy Tank. The IS-5, like its tech tree brother the IS-3, makes use of the IS family's distinctive pike-nosed hull with a strong turret mounting a 122 mm gun on top. While similar to most pike-nosed IS tanks, the IS-5 does have the unique distinction of being earned through the clan supply ...
如何评价IS-5(Object 730)与IS-6在wotb中的表现(个人向)
“-5和-6哪个更好?” 说实话这个我感觉不太好比较,毕竟要看在哪个方面做出评价. 首先说一下IS-5(Object 730)-5可以说是wotb玩家们的老伙计了,每个个人补给到达X级(所在军团也需要达到X级补给)的玩家都可以花费1k2金币购买到这款VIII级的S系金币车
IS-5 (Object 730) - GuidesBlitz
IS-5 is the level 10 clan supply reward tank, it only costs 1,500 gold. The tank is decently mobile, with a strong turret, but a gun with very poor handling.
【WOTB】IS-5 VS IS-6_坦克世界 - 哔哩哔哩
is the is5 worth it ? : r/WorldOfTanksBlitz - Reddit
2023年6月15日 · Then yes, the 1500 gold IS-5 is a steal. Buy it, drive it, earn credits. If you are in need of a credit grinder, this will get you going at minimal cost until you have the gold for something better. As a tank, it's quite powercreeped. I personally never drive mine unless it's for a tank birthday, and even then only sometimes.
IS-5 (Object 730) VIII - skill4ltu Index
2021年6月27日 · This is a proposed field modification from skill4ltu for IS-5 (Object 730). Hover the skills and perks to get full description of each. As of 5 September 2024, with the 1.26 Update, crew transfers have become much easier. You can …
Is the IS-5 worth it? : r/WorldOfTanksBlitz - Reddit
13 votes, 15 comments. My clan has supply level X and I’m able to purchase the IS-5 for 1500 gold. Is the tank worth it? I already have the E75 TS as…
IS-5/Specifications - WoT Blitz Wiki
The following specifications represent those achieved by the tank without bonuses from consumables, provisions, or equipment.
IS-5 (Object 730) - Equipment, Mastery & MoE requirements, …
IS-5 (Object 730) equipment builds for World of Tanks. Equipment setups based on Skill4ltu and Yzne configurations. Target damage WN8 for IS-5 (Object 730) :
IS-5 (Object 730) - Tier VIII U.S.S.R. Heavy | BlitzKit Tankopedia ...
IS-5 (Object 730) armor, statistics, equipment, provisions, and more. 1,992 DPM, 400hp alpha, 221mm penetration, 42kph top speed, 1,750hp health.
【鲜血的WOTB】全游直售价最低的八金 IS-5 - 哔哩哔哩
性能现版本中规中矩,炮控需要多练习适应。 打起来手感不如杠3,但这装甲确实可以在某些情况下打的比杠3更放肆一点。 坦克世界闪击战国服官方CC;国服IAFC副军团长。 目前主要更新科普,教学,数据类视频及专栏,偶尔也会直播。 期待大家的关注! 性能现版本中规中矩,炮控需要多练习适应。打起来手感不如杠3,但这装甲确实可以在某些情况下打的比杠3更放肆一点。, 视频播放量 3396、弹幕量 14、点赞数 134、投硬币枚数 10、收藏人数 14、转发人数 2, 视频作者 …
Should I get IS-5 or IS-6 : r/WorldOfTanksBlitz - Reddit
2021年12月14日 · is5 is better overall. better hull and turret armor. the is6 armor is not good at all anymore. easy pen head on and easy pen at an angle. even the turret can get creamed easily. most tanks don't even need prammo to pen the is6 upper hull or turret. neither are any good, but one is only 1500 gold. Neither.
IS-5: The New Battlefield Tyrant | General News - World of Tanks
2015年3月6日 · The 9.8 update brings a new member of the IS tank family—the IS-5, a new special Premium vehicle at tier VIII in the Tech Tree of Soviet heavy tanks. This article includes information about the IS-5 and its features, as well as suggestions on …
【WOTB】IS-5击穿演示 - 哔哩哔哩
,【wotb】122说wotb中的成员熟练度区别,【wotb】日常2333,t110e4,准重坦的玩法,防守反击终获胜 坦克世界闪击战,英系轮椅王,卖侧也很强,百运活动详情内容(百运,bz176,mbt-b),锐评一下? 死老鼠 mau5tank 坦克世界闪击战 wotb,【wotb】辅助轻坦“lt-432 ...
IS-5 (Object 730) | Stats, Armor, Weakspots, Modules, Equipment ...
IS-5 (Object 730): armor layout, internal modules and crew, weak spots, stats. Choose equipment, perks and field mods. Compare with other tanks.
Tank Review: IS-5 & IS-2SH : r/WorldOfTanksBlitz - Reddit
2017年6月30日 · As long as the shell aims true, it is difficult to deny damage to IS-5 given its high penetration. So your strategy in IS-5 is simple: call your team to the brawling area; argue against any flanking move unless the flankers would enjoy tier and numerical advantage; get stuck in the brawling area yourself and start sidescraping.
2 天之前 · ⭐ Like my content? Help me reach 10000 subscribersThe new Rapid Handling Event has landed in WOTB, and... its pay to progress... WHY WG? Join my Discord Ser...