IS-2 (1945) — Tier VII Soviet heavy tank - Blitz Hangar
Built in 1944, the IS-2 (IS-122) heavy tank was a modification of the IS-1. It featured a simple cast glacis plate. Elite Soviet Guards heavy tank regiments used the IS-2 extensively in the assaults on the fortress cities of Budapest, Breslau, and Berlin.
IS-2 shielded — Tier VII Soviet heavy tank - Blitz Hangar
Good HP, Low DPM, Penetration 170, Damage 400, Reload time: 11.37, High damage, Big caliber. All about the tank: hidden stats, armor, 3D model.
IS-2 shielded | WoT Blitz Wiki | Fandom
The IS-2 shielded is a Tier VII Soviet Premium Heavy Tank. This tank is based on the IS-2 (1945) and features spaced armor screens, which increases the effective armor profile of the vehicle. Like other 122 mm guns at its tier, the IS-2 shielded does not possess very high DPM in exchange for a punchier gun.
IS-2 - Global wiki. Wargaming.net
The IS-2 is a Soviet tier 7 premium heavy tank. Built in 1944, the IS-2 (IS-122) heavy tank was a modification of the IS-1. It featured a simple cast glacis plate. Elite Soviet Guards heavy tank regiments used the IS-2 extensively in the assaults on the fortress cities of …
IS-2Sh — Tier VIII Soviet heavy tank - Blitz Hangar
Good HP, Low DPM, Penetration 221, Damage 400, Reload time: 11.79, High damage, Big caliber. All about the tank: hidden stats, armor, 3D model.
IS-2 - World of Tanks Blitz Wiki* - WIKIWIKI
2025年1月6日 · ISや IS-2 (中国) と比べると弾種や数値がわずかに異なり、 IS-2 Pravda SP とは完全に同じスペックである。 通常弾の貫通力は平均的であるが、課金弾は中華IS-2が250mmのHEATであるのに対し本車は217mmのAPCRとなっており、重戦車としても低めの数値となっている。 APCRゆえに砲弾調整搭載時の伸びも悪く (228mm)、 Tiger II など硬めの格上重戦車と対峙した場合は側背面に回ることも考えよう。 DPMの低さから、ダメージレースは苦手で高 …
【WOTB】德 佬 吓 破 胆——IS-2“胜利”单车解析 - 哔哩哔哩
2022年10月8日 · IS-2 柏林/胜利(国服国际服翻译不同),即432号IS-2重型坦克,该坦克隶属于第七独立重型坦克营,炮塔上绘制了一只带有红星的熊,该坦克因为参加了对柏林的最后攻击而闻名,作为二战中苏联投入实战的最强重型坦克,IS-2在网络游戏中也有不可替代的地位。 当然,WOT和战争雷霆也是如此,战雷在今年将这辆战熊加入了游戏作为苏系二战队列的强力补充;而在WOT/WOTB中IS-2柏林作为七级金币车登场,手游的IS-2胜利在大概大半年前有一次概率 …
“如果有分房保护,那绝对是台好车” IS-2格栅就像是带速射122的-6,这个炮除了穿深啥都好 没错,重点就是穿深不行。 如果走火力极端化路线,带射速槽你会发现在8级房连很多快车都打不穿,来自沙丘的地毯站着都能硬换格栅 嗯,7金,被划到这个“壮丁率超高的等级”的低穿车真是倒了八辈子大霉 当然,这是白嫖车…所以就无所谓了. 感谢关注~这里是WOTB国服一ARF一军团团长! 军团ID3412,欢迎各位加入~ 持续更新中! 更新速度大概是…两天一期?
IS-2 shielded - Global wiki. Wargaming.net
The IS-2 Shielded is a variation of the standard IS tank which features mesh screens over various portions of the vehicle's turret and hull, providing a small amount of protection against HEAT …
IS-2: review, characteristics, comparison - World of Tanks
Built in 1944, the IS-2 (IS-122) heavy tank was a modification of the IS-1. It featured a simple cast glacis plate. Elite Soviet Guards heavy tank regiments used the IS-2 extensively in the assaults on the fortress cities of Budapest, Breslau, and Berlin.