IS-3 — Tier VIII Soviet heavy tank - Blitz Hangar
From 1948 through the late 1950s, the tanks underwent a number of modernization refits. Good HP, Low DPM, Penetration 225, Damage 400, Reload time: 12.21, High damage, Big caliber. …
八分钟,教你玩好IS3重型坦克!_WOTB_教学 - 哔哩哔哩
某版本加强防护以后,这台车的首上强度配合7度俯角其实已经很不错了…然而设计于8年前的主炮却在各种变化之下逐渐无法跟上现版本的节奏 如果主炮也在未来得到加强,IS-3D或许将不再逊色于新时代的其他8级重坦? 感谢关注~这里是WOTB国服一ARF一军团团长! 军团ID3412,欢迎各位加入~ 持续更新中! 更新速度大概是…两天一期?
IS-3 | WoT Blitz Wiki | Fandom
The IS-3 is a Tier VIII Soviet Heavy Tank. It is obtained from the IS and leads to the IS-8. The IS-3 is the first of the pike-nosed IS series tanks. From Blitzhangar: "Mass production of the vehicle started in May 1945. On September 7, 1945, IS-3 tanks took part in …
【WOTB】全球前50 IS-3为你奉上保姆级单车解析~_哔哩哔 …
这次视频前前后后花了一周多才最终做完 作为苏重的老牌教练车 IS-3还是挺值的苏重玩家去练的 虽然是时代的眼泪 但也无妨它依旧有一些特点 BGM:PETS(就是那个不那么大声的) 感谢大家一直以来的支持! 个人也因为学业不能像之前那样高强度更新了 希望大家能理解~ 也希望这期视频可以帮到你~ 另祝大家新年快乐 万事如意! (虽然迟到了很久)
IS-3 - Global wiki. Wargaming.net
The IS-3 is a Soviet tier 8 heavy tank. Mass production of the vehicle started in May 1945. On September 7,1945, IS-3 tanks took part in the Allied Victory Parade through Berlin. A total of 1170 vehicles were manufactured by the end of 1946, when production was canceled.
IS-3 Defender - Tier VIII U.S.S.R. Heavy | BlitzKit Tankopedia
IS-3 Defender armor, statistics, equipment, provisions, and more. 1,925 DPM, 400hp alpha, 221mm penetration, 40kph top speed, 1,700hp health.
IS-3 - World of Tanks Blitz Wiki* - WIKIWIKI
2025年2月5日 · 運用上の問題点は多く、第三次中東戦争など僅かな戦歴しかないものの、本戦車の先進的なデザインは M103 や Conqueror といった対IS-3の重戦車を生み出し、ソ連に止まらず世界の戦車開発に重大な影響を与えた。 ※平均勝率は参考数値であり、その車両の絶対的な強さを示すものではありません。 砲塔:Kirovets-1. 砲塔:IS-3. :必要経験値:151825. Ver.4.5から車輌モデルが変更された。 走攻守揃った強力な重戦車だが、狭い俯角や低い耐久値、斜めに …
IS-3 Defender — Tier VIII Soviet heavy tank - Blitz Hangar
The IS-3 variant featured a double-row ammo rack with an automatic loading system. The crew was reduced to three members: commander, gunner, and driver. The turret was redesigned in order to accommodate the loading mechanism. The vehicle existed only in blueprints.
IS-3 VIII - skill4ltu Index
2021年6月20日 · This is a proposed field modification from skill4ltu for IS-3. Hover the skills and perks to get full description of each. As of 5 September 2024, with the 1.26 Update, crew transfers have become much easier. You can now move crews between vehicles with fewer restrictions.