WPDEC - Vocational Training Council
Various types of high and low adventure-based training facilities are established in WPDEC for the provision of customized training for VTC students, educational and private sectors. …
WPDEC - Vocational Training Council
中心提供不同形式的體驗式活動, 務求令學生發展課程的效果更顯著,並發掘參加者的潛能、提升團隊合作精神、溝通能力、增強自信心、應變力,以及培養他們積極正面的價值觀。 中心的 …
WPDEC - Vocational Training Council
WPDEC, located at Tai Lam Chung, is well-equipped with multi-purpose rooms, high and low adventure-based elements, rock climbing, aided-climbing facility, outdoor high wall as well as …
酒店、旅遊及廚藝學院校友會 HTCI Alumni Association
Alumni Association will organize "WPDEC Activity" on 15 Apr 2023, which includes a list of adventure activities in a 4-hour Saturday afternoon. You are welcome to join! Date
Vocational Training Council - Education Bureau
2021年1月12日 · Vocational Training Council (VTC) is a statutory body established under VTC Ordinance (Cap. 1130) in 1982 with a mission to provide a comprehensive vocational and …
填妥的申請表格 [VTC- (Rev. / )] 連同個人 履歷, 須電郵至[email protected] 。 申請人 應注意以下事項:( ) 填妥的申請表(VTC- ) 和個人 履歷應合併為一 個PDF 格式的文 件, 檔案容量應不超 …
Adventure-based Training Day Camp | VTC Continuing
Training activities range from complex challenge courses on an adventure ship, maritime-themed submarine leakage and tunnel rescue exercise, rock climbing, abseiling and rope access, to …
歷奇為本訓練日營 | VTC 持續專業進修 - cpe.vtc.edu.hk
中心的訓練課程以歷奇訓練為藍本,配合中心備有的各類高、低結構歷奇活動設施,如冒險船挑戰網陣、模擬海事求生訓練倉、運動攀登、戶外攀爬牆、高空繩索及沿繩下降設施,按訓練的目 …
历奇为本训练日营 | VTC 持续专业进修 - cpe.vtc.edu.hk
中心的训练课程以历奇训练为蓝本,配合中心备有的各类高丶低结构历奇活动设施,如冒险船挑战网阵丶模拟海事求生训练仓丶运动攀登丶户外攀爬墙丶高空绳索及沿绳下降设施,按训练的目 …
兼職教導員(O/WPDEC/PT_I/10/24) 职位在 大欖涌 招聘中-Offertoday
vtc - 全人發展教育中心 兼職教導員(o/wpdec/pt_i/10/24)招聘,地點:大欖涌,要求:不限經驗,學歷:不限學歷,福利:,隨時隨地直接開聊