WPOV-110系列 - 产品中心 - 深圳市进和实业发展有限公司
OV-110 Omni-Valve Systems | Automatic Control Valve - Hydro …
We offer our customers a range of OV-110 omni-valve systems that can help revolutionize their operations. Our automatic control valve can safely operate in eight different control modes and can handle a wide range of chemicals, control, adjustment features, and settings for a customizable experience.
110 Omni-Valve is truly an all-in-one automatic control valve for chemical feed. 1. Manual. 2. Proportional (i.e. Flow Pacing) 3. Set Point—Residual 4. Set Point—ORP 5. Compound Loop (i.e. PID) 6. Step Feed 7. Dual Input Feed Forward 8. Dual Set Point Control modes are field selectable and can be changed at any time. Backlit display (LCD)
型 号. WPOV-110系列. WPCV-230系列. 控制方式. 流量比例、余氯反馈、复合环、分级投加. 流量比例. 控制范围. ≤60kg/h. ≤60kg/h
Function of the OV-110: The OV-110 Omni-Valve is designed to automatically control chemical feed rate based on one or more electrical input signals. Figure 1 shows an exam-
Examples of Chlorinator Installation | Hydro Instruments
View real-world examples of chlorinator installation. Learn from successful installations to optimize system performance and safety.
feed control, and when paired with the specially designed remote meter, can compare the valve position to the actual gas flow rate of the remote meter. The information is then used to trigger alarms if the requested gas flow does not match the actual gas flow.
Wall Panel Automatic Valves | Chem-feed Equipment and …
Series OV-110, Series OV-1000, & Series CV-230. Automatic Feed Rate Valves have the ability to be mounted on a high quality PVC Panel. Benefits of Wall Mounting. Simplifies installation process; Conserves space; Provides easy access to equipment for operation and maintenance; Minimizes equipment footprint; Eliminates the need for cabinets
2024年8月18日 · wp-ov-110系列真空加氯机由北京嘉润特科技发展有限公司发布,为您提供产品的价格报价、详细参数、规格型号、产品参考图片等信息,厂家多类产品一应俱全,欲了解更多wp-ov-110系列真空加氯机的产品参数、实时报价、市场行情等信息,请访问智慧城市网!