Electro-acupuncture Stimulation at Acupoints Reduced the …
2012年2月1日 · Two needles were then connected to the EA system (model WQ-IOD1 multiple electronic acupunctoscope, Beijing, China) and stimulation started with a dense-disperse frequency (f1:10 and f2:40) at an intensity of 4 mA, for all of the patients in this group.
Electroacupuncture Analgesia in a Rabbit Ovariohysterectomy
2014年2月1日 · The EA device KWD-808 1 was used to stimulate the dorsal muscles (2.2–2.7 V; f 1: 80 Hz; f 2: 80 Hz), and WQ-IOD1 was connected to the abdomen (Low (Lo): 8 V, E = E/3; f 1: 20 Hz; f 2: 80 Hz). The characteristics of EA stimulation (intensity and frequency) were maintained entirely during the period of both induction and surgery.
Electroacupuncture at the ST36 acupoint increases interleukin-4 ...
2012年7月28日 · The anode and cathode leads from an electrical stimulator (WQ IOD1; Donghua, China) were connected to the two acupuncture needles. The current, a faradic, bipolar and asymmetrical wave with an intensity range of 4–6 mA, was applied for 20 min with increases in a stepwise manner.
IVDD in a Dachshund - Medical Acupuncture | CuraCore
2018年10月31日 · The Electroacupuncture unit used in RyLee’s therapy was model WQ-IOD1 multiple electronic acupunctoscope by M.E.D. Servi-systems Canada LTD. Treatments were with continuous frequency (setting 40-60), at 1.8-2.0 Intensity over 15-20 minutes.
Acupuncture and Electroacupuncture Effects of ST-36 (Zusanli) …
In the EA (Ea) group, an alternating electrical current was applied using an electrostimulator device (WQ-IOD1, Haidian District Donghuan Electronic Instrument Factory, Beijing, China), powered by an 8-Volt battery, with a frequency of 20 Hz (f1: 20 Hz; f2: 20 Hz), for 20 minutes.
Electro-acupuncture efficacy on pain control after mandibular …
A Multiple Electronic Acupunctoscope (MEA) WQ IOD1 model (Beijing Hoidian District Danghua Electronic Instrument Factory, China) was used for electrical stimulation on systemic points only. The ideal frequency ranges from 40 to 60 Hz (12).
Electro-acupuncture efficacy on pain control after mandibular third ...
2007年1月1日 · EAC was applied on 6 bilateral systemic and 2 auricular points with a WQ10Dl appliance using 40-60Hz frequency for 20 min and individually adjusted intensity. Postoperative pain intensity was rated...
Electroacupuncture Analgesia in a Rabbit Ovariohysterectomy
2013年1月1日 · Results of clinical research have shown that postoperative analgesia using EAA treatment was superior to that of NLA. The average postoperative recovery time was 5.2 times longer in the NLA group...
北京市海淀东华电子仪器厂 - 顺企网
北京市海淀东华电子仪器厂,办公室地址位于中国的首都,政治、文化中心北京,北京市海淀区花园北路41号,于1997年06月21日在北京成立,我工厂主要提供制造、销售医疗仪器、电子测量仪器、光学仪器、电子元件、信息咨询,销售电讯器材。 我们致力于提供的生产解决方案,期待与您共赢未来. 汪宏 在2015-03-12 09:09:49.000 说: :请问贵公司现在还生产“多用电子穴位测定治疗仪”吗?以前有买过一台WQ-IOD1质量狠好,不知现在还有没有卖? 本页是 [北京市海淀东华电 …
Electro-acupuncture Stimulation at Acupoints Reduced the …
Because electro-acupuncture (EA) at the Neiguan (PC-6) and the Jianshi (PC-5) points influences hemodynamics, we hypothesize that electro-acupuncture at the traditionally used acupuncture points will reduce the severity of hypotension in patients who undergo liver transplantation.