【Linux】vi编辑器中:wq 、:wq!、:x、:q、:q!的详细区别-CSDN博客
2020年8月7日 · (1) :wq 强制性写入文件并退出(存盘并退出 write and quite)。即使文件没有被修改也强制写入,并更新文件的修改时间。 (2) :x 写入文件并退出。仅当文件被修改时才写入,并更新文件修改时间;否则不会更新文件修改时间。
root - :wq! command in vim - Stack Overflow
2018年9月10日 · Recently, I read here about the :wq! command in vim. I don't understand how it can force-write a file without write permissions. This way, theoretically, one would be able to edit root files without permission. Shouldn't it be disallowed? Or does it write into a new file?
CentOS7vim修改文件/bin/bash: wq command not found问题解决
2022年8月29日 · 在linux上使用vi命令修改一个文件内容的时候,发现无法保存,每次写完使用“:q!”命令可以正常退出但是使用":wq!"命令保存文件并退出时出现一下信息提示: E212: Can't open file for writing 原因1:权限不足。
Trying to Commit with vim. <esc> :wq not working?
2015年5月8日 · To quit in this mode, use Ctrl + O followed by :wq Enter. You could also turn off easy mode via :set noinsertmode , and (if you haven't yet given up on Vim) fix the invocation, probably in your Git config (i.e. remove the -y argument from the vim call).
What does :wq stand for in Vim? - Stack Overflow
2017年3月10日 · What does :wq stand for, if anything? Where did ZZ (to do the same thing) come from? Is there a method to this madness? Note that ZZ doesn't do exactly the same as :wq: the latter always saves before quitting, while the former only writes the file when there are unsaved changes. :wq = "Write and quit".
单击ESC键,vim进入命令行模式,然后可以输入以下命令进行下面的操作: :q (:quit的简称):q! (不保存就退出,是:quit!的简写):wq ():wq! (强制写入保存并退出,即便是只读模式):x (类似于:wq,但是如果没有变化的话不写):qa (退出所有,是:quitall的简称)当输入:,a:将出现在屏幕下方。 或可以单击ESC zz (Esc_type :qa! and press to …
:x vs :wq : r/vim - Reddit
2022年1月29日 · It’s not really a question of ‘shorter’ to type, there are differences between the two that aren’t trivial. For instance, modification time doesn’t change if you use :x with no changes to the buffer but does change using :wq. If you wanted something shorter to …
vim编辑器中:wq wq! x q q!的详细区别 - _Elysia - 博客园
2024年6月22日 · :wq和:wq!的区别如下: 有些文件设置了只读,一般不是修改文件的,但是如果你是文件的owner或者root的话,通过:wq!还是能保存文件退出. 如果文件设置为只读了的话,用 :wq命令是不能保存并退出的,但是最高权限者可通过wq!来进行文件的保存并退出文件。
linux vim编辑后不能保存退出怎么解决? - 知乎
2022年5月27日 · 终端输入vim test.c,按i输入代码后esc,冒号wq,底部提示“test.c” E212:Can't open file for writ…
How to Exit the Vi or Vim Editor - How-To Geek
2023年9月17日 · To exiting vi or vim, press Esc a few times to enter Command mode, then type :q! and Enter to quit without saving changes. To exit vi or wim and commit your changes, press the Escape key to ensure you're in Command mode, then type :wq and hit Enter.