A WebSDR is a Software-Defined Radio receiver connected to the internet, allowing many listeners to listen and tune it simultaneously. SDR technology makes it possible that all listeners tune independently, and thus listen to different signals; this is in contrast to the many classical receivers that are already available via the internet.
推荐一些可用的WebSDR节点给大家收藏使用 - 知乎
与传统的接收机相比,WebSDR是连接到互联网的软件定义无线电接收器,允许很多接收者独立收听和同时调节接收频率模式等参数。 如果想测试不同天线、设备的DX发射效果,可以打开WebSDR页面,选择某个位…
Shortwave Radio Receiver Map | KiwiSDR & WebSDR | Listen to …
Map of hundreds of KiwiSDR and WebSDR internet shortwave receivers around the world. Click to listen in your web browser. Enjoy the BBC, Amateur radio, aero and military communications or regular AM radio via internet stream. These are professional quality radio receivers you can tune on your PC, tablet, or phone.
WebSDR 站点收集与SDR - 哔哩哔哩
软件无线电(Software Defined Radio,SDR)是一种实现无线通信的新概念和体制。 其中已在硬件被典型地实现的组件(例如混频器,滤波器,放大器,调制器 / 解调器,检测器等),也可以通过软件手段的个人计算机上或代替实施嵌入式系统。 一开始应用在军事领域,在21世纪初,由于众多公司的努力,使得它已从军事领域转向民用领域,成为经济的、应用广泛的、全球通信的第三代移动通信系统的战略基础。 – 来源:维基百科. 什么是WebSDR? WebSDR 是连接到 …
Wide-band WebSDR in Enschede, the Netherlands
On this page you can listen to and control a short-wave receiver located at the amateur radio club ETGD at the University of Twente. In contrast to other web-controlled receivers, this receiver can be tuned by multiple users simultaneously, thanks to the use of Software-Defined Radio.
1 天前 · A WebSDR is a Software-Defined Radio receiver connected to the internet, allowing many listeners to listen and tune it simultaneously. SDR technology makes it possible that all listeners tune independently, and thus listen to different signals; this is in contrast to the many classical receivers that are already available via the internet.
WebSDR servers can register themselves automatically on this site, leading to the below list of currently active WebSDR servers. Currently there are 0 servers active, with 0 users and 0 …
Web meets SDR - usdr.pro
User-friendly SDR experience of running a cellular network without the hassle. Allow users to filter out unwanted signals or interference from the input signal, improving the overall quality of the modulated FM signal.
推荐几个热闹的WebSDR节点给大家收藏 - 腾讯云开发者社区-腾讯云
2017年5月5日 · WebSDR是软件定义无线电接收器,连接到互联网的,允许很多收听者收听和同时调节接收频率模式等参数。 SDR技术使收听者独立调节成为可能,收听不同的信号;与传统的接收机相比已经实现了互联网化。 目前有166台服务器活跃,有530个用户和555兆赫的无线电频谱。 5.476 - 7.524 MHzfunny dipole o (∩∩)o... 腾讯「腾讯云开发者社区」是腾讯内容开放平台帐号(企鹅号)传播渠道之一,根据 《腾讯内容开放平台服务协议》 转载发布内容。 如有侵权, …
94.7 QDR – Today's Best Country | 94.7 QDR
Check out the local events happening near Raleigh. Click on the event titles below to see more information about each event. Fursday: Meet Heidi from APS of Durham! Helloooooooo! I’m …