WR19(BJ500)矩形波导标准查询 | 波导标准 | RFTOP(频优微波)
WR19矩形波导(对应中国标准BJ500,IEC标准R500)是用来定向引导电磁波的传输线结构,内截面尺寸 4.775mm x 2.388mm,主模工作频率 39.2-59.6GHz, 属于U波段应用, 更多WR19矩形波导详情可查看上下表格中的数据。
WR19 | WG24 | R500 - Rectangular Waveguide Size - everything …
Get specifications for the WR19, WG24, R500 waveguide size - dimensions: 0.188 Inches [4.7752 mm] x 0.094 Inches [2.3876 mm], frequency range: 40.00 to 60 GHz.
WR19(BJ500)毫米波直波导, 39.2-59.6GHz, FUGP500圆形法兰, 铜镀金
在射频与微波系统中,波导凭借其低传输损耗、高功率容量的特性,成为高效传输射频信号能量的核心互连器件,尤其适用于特定频段(如毫米波至太赫兹频段)的精准能量传输。 其金属导电结构(典型材料为铜或铝合金)可稳定承载千瓦级功率电平,满足高功率场景需求。 RFTOP®提供全系列波导组件,包括直波导、弯波导(E面/H面)、扭波导(极化调整)、过渡波导(异型接口适配)、柔性波导及定制化法兰片等,覆盖WR3至WR1150及WRD84至WRD1100等数十种标准 …
Williams F107 - Wikipedia
The Williams F107 (company designation WR19) is a small turbofan engine made by Williams International. The F107 was designed to propel cruise missiles. It has been used as the powerplant for the AGM-86 ALCM, and BGM-109 Tomahawk, as well as the experimental Kaman KSA-100 SAVER and Williams X-Jet flying platform.
WR-19 仪表级直波导, 12 英寸, UG-383/U-Mod 法兰 - Pasternack
Our straight WR-19 waveguide section with UG383/U-Mod flange has a minimum frequency of 40 GHz and a maximum frequency of 60 GHz. WR-19 waveguide section PE-W19S001-12 is part of over 40,000 RF, microwave and millimeter wave components.
WR-19 Waveguides - Pasternack
Pasternack WR-19 waveguides are low loss RF transmission lines capable of handling high power with high isolation. These WR19 waveguide components from Pasternack are commonly used for RF and microwave waveguide communications requiring low loss capabilities, not possible with coaxial cables.
波导标准及尺寸查询 |选型工具 | RFTOP(频优微波) - 高品质微波 …
主要用作微波频率的传输线,常见于雷达、通讯卫星、微波炉、和微波无线电链路设备中。 波导标准主要包括波导的 尺寸、频率范围、材料和重量 等方面的规定,波导的标准尺寸对其性能有重要影响,因此了解标准波导尺寸对于工程设计和应用具有重要意义,点击波导名称可查看更多详情。 波导标准主要包括波导的尺寸、频率范围和重量等方面的规定,波导的标准尺寸对其性能有重要影响,因此了解标准波导尺寸对于工程设计和应用具有重要意义。
WR-19 Waveguide Sections - Pasternack
WR19 waveguide sections are available in a rectangular waveguide design and are manufactured with a ug-383/u-mod waveguide flange type that is in-stock. The waveguide component and ug-383/u-mod flange are made of quality aluminum for precision, and light weight, but …
v1.1-2025221 go rftop wr19(bj500)毫⽶波直波导, rwg19-l 39.2-59.6ghz, fugp500圆形法兰, 铜镀⾦ 结构尺⼨图(单位:mm) 误差±1%
WR19 直波导, 39.2-59.6 GHz, UG-383/U Mod 法兰 - RF ONE …
WS19-L是一款WR-19直波导,法兰为UG-383/U Mod圆形平法兰,工作频率39.2-59.6 GHz。 深圳如帆提供一系列直波导,涵盖波导尺寸WR3 to WR1150。
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