Rathian - Monster Hunter World Wiki
2024年10月1日 · Rathian, the Queen of the Land, is a medium-sized true flying wyvern, sharing a visual resemblance with her male counterpart, Rathalos. As a terrestrial predator, she employs a venomous tail and robust legs to overpower her prey. Rathian's hide features a subdued, muted green hue, in stark contrast to Rathalos's deep red.
Rathian - Monster Hunter Wiki
Rathian are female Flying Wyverns introduced in Monster Hunter. Rathian is a medium-sized true flying wyvern similar in looks to her male counterpart, Rathalos. Her hide is a dull, muted green in contrast to the Rathalos's deep red, and her lower mandible features a long, protruding chin spike.
How to Find ??? Rathian Tracks | Monster Hunter World (MHW…
2022年12月27日 · Rathian tracks. These tracks will appear across all the maps, whether you are in an optional quest or in an expedition. So you can just collect these naturally as you complete optional quests. But if you want to get the ??? Rathian tracks as soon as possible, there is an optimal route that you can follow.??? Rathian Tracks in the Rotten Vale
Pink Rathian - Monster Hunter World Wiki
Pink Rathian, a variant of the iconic Rathian species, brings a new level of ferocity and poison-infused attacks to the wild. Distinguished by its vibrant pink hue, this Rathian is known for its swift and aggressive nature, capable of unleashing fiery breath and a deadly tail swipe.
Rathian Weakness and Drops | Monster Hunter Wilds|Game8
3 天之前 · Rathian is a Flying Wyvern located in the Scarlet Forest in Monster Hunter Wilds. In this guide, you will find information about Rathian, its weakness, location, drops, move set, and tips on how to beat it!
Rathian/Monster Hunter: World
The Rathian is one of the most recognizable flying wyverns along with its male counterpart, the Rathalos. Rathians are very territorial, choosing to patrol from the ground while her male counterpart patrols from the sky.
Rathian Weakness and Strategy Guide - Game8
2024年1月18日 · Learn how to beat Rathian in the game Monster Hunter World (MHW)! This guide explains everything about Rathian's weakness, carves, rewards, and a complete strategy guide for beating and capturing it. Find out what parts are breakable and severable, and what drops and Monster materials are available.
New Player, Pink Rathian. Need I say more? : …
2022年3月2日 · The trick to making Rathian easier is to cut the tail, as that dramatically reduces her level of threat to you. That means using cutting damage. Pink Rathian's tail is much more resistant to being cut off than the green, base Rathian, but it can be done.
Monster Hunter World: Rathian (Large Monster) - PowerPyx
2018年1月25日 · Rathian is a large Monster that you can slay or capture in Monster Hunter World. Characteristics: Wyverns known as the “Queens of the Land.” Terrestrial predators, they overpower prey with their venomous tails and powerful legs. Useful Information: Come prepared with fire-resistant armor, and neuter its poison attacks by severing its tail.
Rathian - Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Guide - IGN
Rathian is the female counterpart to the male of its species, the Rathalos. It features muted green scales with thin green spikes across its back. Like its mate, it has a flame sack it uses to...