WCNC-TV - Wikipedia
Channel 36 was established as WCTU-TV, an independent television station, in 1967. After falling into receivership brought on by severe economic hardship, WCTU was purchased by Atlanta broadcast pioneer Ted Turner. Renamed WRET-TV, the station's fortunes turned around and thrived throughout the 1970s.
Wret - Slang Meaning and Examples - FastSlang
Wret is a term used to describe someone who is considered to be low-class, uncivilized, and uneducated. It is often used as an insult towards people who are perceived to be lacking in social graces or intelligence. The term has its roots in the word "wretch," which means a person who is miserable or unfortunate.
WRETCHED中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
WRETCHED翻译:苦恼的;不幸的;质量差的, 病得厉害的;不愉快的, (表示憎恶)讨厌的,该死的。 了解更多。
wret - Wiktionary, the free dictionary
2020年3月2日 · This page was last edited on 2 March 2020, at 22:38. Definitions and other text are available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional ...
WREST中文(简体)翻译:剑桥词典 - Cambridge Dictionary
WREST翻译:辛苦谋求;费力取得, 夺取;攫取。 了解更多。
What does WRET stand for? - Abbreviations.com
Find out what is the full meaning of WRET on Abbreviations.com! 'Work Readiness Education and Training' is one option -- get in to view more @ The Web's largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource.
WRET-01,压簧式热电偶,E型热电偶,热电偶 - 浙江联诺电气有限公司
名 称:压簧热电偶. 规 格:wret-01. 长 度:l=mm (购买时请注明长度) 分度号:e. 螺 纹: m12*1.5(可定做其它规格螺纹,如: m10×1.5 、m8×1.5)
热电偶 wret,wrjt wrnt 什么区别 - 百度知道
热电偶型号wret,wrjt, wrnt同为压簧热电偶,只是这三种压簧热电偶的分度号不同,也就是说热电偶的材质不同,体现在e,j,n上, e:镍铬-铜镍(镍铬-康铜)热电偶,它是一种廉金属的热电偶,正极(EP)为镍铬10合金,负极(EN)为铜镍合金,名义化学成分为:55%的铜,45%的镍以及少量的锰,钴,铁等元素。 j:铁-康铜热电偶,也是一种价格低廉的廉金属的热电偶。 J型热电偶具有线性度好,热电动势较大,灵敏度较高,稳定性和均匀性较好,价格便宜等优点,广为 …
WRET-01型热电偶的作用原理,分度特性及允许偏差,参比端 (冷接点)温度补偿,以及 与显示测量仪表的连接方法均与一般热电偶相同。 WRET-01型热电偶的结构如图所示,由保护管、安装螺栓、锁紧卡套、弹簧及热电偶导线等组成。 如果您在浏览产品期间有任何的疑问或者需要精普帮助的地方,请及时与我们联系. WRET-01型压簧固定式镍铬- -铜镍热电偶通过压簧将热电偶端部与被测物的表面紧贴,以提高测量的可靠性和准确性。 它与显示仪表等配套使用,可直接测量0~ …
WRET 热电偶温度传感器-正泰电器商城 - ztdq.com