Equalizer Wirestarter Tube - AEGIS Tools International®
Equalizer Wirestarter Tube is a hollow stainless steel tube with grip used to channel cord and wire through urethane. Equalizer Number: WS782
Equalizer TightWire Start-Up Kit - AEGIS Tools International®
Includes one 72′ roll of TightWire , one set of TightWire Grips , and one Wirestarter (WS782). To use the grips, unscrew the two halves, insert the wire into the small hole, bend the wire over and pull it around the center at least one time. Then, twist the handles back together tightly.
Equalizer®. TightWire™ Start-Up Kits
GripTite™ Handles, WS782 Wirestarter™ & 164' TightWire™ Roll. Basic money saving wire removal kits include everything you need to remove windshields; wire to cut the urethane, handles to hold the wire and a wire starter to push the wire through the urethane.
Equalizer® Squire™ Auto Glass Cut-Out Wire Start-Up Kit with …
Includes: SSW508 Squire™ Auto Glass Cut-Out Wire, (1) Roll TWH500 TightWire™ Grips, (1) set of two WS782 Wirestarter™, (1) tool To use the grips: Unscrew the two halves, insert the wire into the small hole, bend the wire over and pull it around the center at least one time. Twist the handles back together tightly.
[開箱] EQL智能小管家,用手機控制原有家電 - Mobile01
2017年6月4日 · 而EQL宜優科技提供了較便宜的智慧型的小家電產品,讓大家可以輕鬆進入物聯網的世界。 EQL宜優科技成立於2016,團隊前身來自老牌的廣達電腦,因此融合了許多大廠產品的經驗,以及穩定的品質,所以可以提供物美價連的產品給大家。 究竟宜優與廣達是什麼樣的關係,在這裡我想應該都不重要,重要的是產品好用、高CP才是重點,至於這兩間公司的愛恨情仇就交由盛竹如來看下去吧XD. 這次要跟大家分享EQL智慧產品其中的智能燈泡、智能小管家、智能 …
endgameinc/eql - GitHub
Browse a library of EQL analytics; Check out the query guide for a crash course on writing EQL queries; View usage for interactive shell; Explore the API for advanced usage or incorporating EQL into other projects
EQL 搜索 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
2023年11月1日 · 除了示例查询之外,EQL搜索要求搜索的数据流或索引包含时间戳字段。默认情况下,EQL使用来自Elastic Common Schema (ECS)的@timestamp字段。 EQL搜索还需要一个事件类别字段,除非使用any关键字搜索没有事件类别字段的文档。默认情况下,EQL使用ECS event.category字段。
EQL: null handling in ES EQL #54419 - GitHub
2020年3月30日 · I created this issue to open discussion and reach a conclusion about "null" handling (both as parameters and as a return value) in ES EQL: functions dealing with null parameters should return null or a default value depending on the function?
2024年8月29日 · 아모멘토는 유행을 따르지 않는 클래식함을 기반으로 시간이 지나도 변하지 않는 가치와 절제된 아름다움을 추구합니다. 패션 트렌드에 영향을 받기보다는 누군가에게 입혀졌을 때 완성되는 아름다운 가치에 집중하였으며, 고급스러운 소재, 미니멀한 실루엣과 디테일로 그 옷이 입혀지는 순간 마저도 디자인하려 노력합니다.
2024年5月10日 · 电测表具备四象限电能数据的计量功能: EPI——记录吸收的有功电能;EPE——记录释放的有功电能;EqL——记录感性无功电能;EqC——记录容性无功电能。 这些显示的电能数据均为一次侧数据。 注:当右侧的P、Q、λ等字符对应的指示灯亮起时,该排数码显示的数据将表明是何种电量。 左侧的“负号”指示灯通常不会亮起,但如果出现接线错误,分相有功功率P可能会显示为负值,这可以作为检查接线的参考。 关于电表显示的详细说明: 1. 在大 …