2008年3月15日 · WSB 750 was definitely the clear winner with tonight's storm coverage downtown. They were on top of this immediately with their top-notch reporting of the damage downtown and the scene at the Georgia Dome. Even at almost 1AM, they were still doing live coverage with Jeff Hullinger which included...
WSB-AM and CNN Radio's Don Baird passed away today
2008年3月28日 · Mike Kavanagh just informed me that Don Baird passed today. Baird worked for many years as a news reporter and anchor on WSB-AM and CNN Radio. He said the memorial service is scheduled for April 7. Details forthcoming.
WSB Radio Host Barred From Going to UK | RadioDiscussions
2009年5月5日 · WSB-AM's Michael Savage host of "The Savage nation" has been barred from going to the UK due to extremism and hatred. Savage, has called the Muslim holy book, the Quran, a "book of hate." Savage also has enraged parents of children with autism by saying in most cases it's "a brat who hasn't been...
WSB 750 & 95.5 - breakdown? | RadioDiscussions
2011年5月26日 · WSB 750 & 95.5 - breakdown? Thread starter FLjack2; Start date May 26, 2011; F. FLjack2 Frequent ...
WSB-AM Drops Live Local News Overnights - RadioDiscussions
2020年10月3日 · They're not in the emergency services business. Technically, neither is radio. When the feds created the Department of Homeland Security, they took on the emergency services responsibility. Radio stations are merely the conduit for that information. That is a good point. As long as a station...
The Martha Zoller Show - RadioDiscussions
2005年8月2日 · Has anyone listened to this lady. Not only is she smart, she has great guests as well. Its nice to hear a woman who isn't an extreme feminist but, isn't a hard core liberal either. check her out on AM 550
Andy Dean on WSB - RadioDiscussions
2012年1月30日 · I've heard bits and pieces of Andy on his WSB overnight show. I find him kind of compelling. I don't agree with him on some things and don't like his tendency to characterize people he doesn't agree with as stupid. (For example, I've never thought John Stewart was stupid.) And he sounds like his...
What will happen to 750-AM format wise? | Page 2
2019年8月1日 · I could easily see ESPN on 750. “Big picture” Apollo already have ABC on channel 2. Apollo should get ESPN radio easily.
Retro: Atlanta/Chattanooga/Macon Tuesday, August 14, 1962
2013年8月13日 · From TV Guide, Georgia (Atlanta) Edition: WSB Ch. 2 Atlanta (NBC) 7 AM Today 9 AM Today In Georgia 9:45 Linkletter And The Kids 10 AM Say When! 10:30 Play Your Hunch (COLOR) 11 AM Price Is Right (COLOR) 11:30 Concentration 12 N News (Ray Moore) 12:15 WSB Editorial 12:20 Movie: "Piccadilly...
Where is Kim McCarthy? | RadioDiscussions
2016年11月16日 · WGST Promo in the 1980's They ran a series of digs at WSB during their all-news iteration. One had the sound online of a phone ringing but never answered, with the copy that this was what you got if you dialed the WSB Radio newsroom at 3:00 AM. Another had a female voice on filter saying, "No, no, I can't get there! This plan is too slow!"