Governor Bob Ferguson | Washington State
Oversees the Governor's Washington State Quality Award program. The purpose of the program is to improve the overall competitiveness of the state's economy by stimulating state industries, businesses, and organizations to bring about measurable success through setting standards of organizational excellence, encouraging self-assessment, identifying successful organizations as role models, and ...
WSQA Promoting and Recognizing Quality - UW Homepage
WSQA reaches both individuals and organizations and was introduced in 1994 to support Governor Locke’s quality improvement initiative. The WSQA’s primary objectives are to: • recognize significant achievement • encourage use of performance data & dashboards • provide education & training
Washington State Quality Award (WSQA) Performance Excellence Northwest ...
The Washington State Quality Award (WSQA), is also known as the Performance Excellence NW (PENW). WSQA/PENW educates organizations in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, and Alaska about performance excellence management. WSQA/PENW administers an award program that recognizes Pacific Northwest organizations for outstanding performance.
Accreditation - Status Reports - Edmonds College
Each year the College is required to submit to the State Board of Community & Technical Colleges (SBCTC) a Washington State Quality Awards (WSQA) report and make it public on our website. Below are links to the college’s current and past reports.
Health Systems Quality Assurance - Washington State Department …
Health System Quality Assurance's top priority is to protect and improve the health of people in Washington State. We do this by helping to prevent injuries, develop health systems and improve patient safety. We work closely with communities and local health partners to build strong health systems and prevention programs.
Neutralization of SARS-CoV-2 Omicron BQ.1, BQ.1.1 and XBB.1
2023年12月1日 · Here, we evaluate virus-neutralizing capacity against SARS-CoV-2 variants in 151 age-stratified children ( <5, 5–11, 12–21 years old) hospitalized with acute severe COVID-19 or MIS-C or...
WSQ學習單模板分享 | 教師資源區 - 均一教育平台
講義:WSQ學習單模板分享,教師資源區 > 教師專區 > 進階「教學管理」操作與應用。 源自於:均一教育平台 - 願 每個孩子都成為終身學習者,成就自己的未來。
BQ.1.1是最强的新冠变体之一,现在正在肆虐美国 - 财富中文网
2022年10月18日 · 据斯克利普斯研究所(Scripps Research)的分子医学教授、斯克利普斯研究转化研究所(Scripps Research Translational Institute)的创始人兼主任埃里克·托普尔(Eric Topol)博士说,BQ.1.1与XBB变体(合并了两种不同奥密克戎变异株,在新加坡和孟加拉国肆虐),被认为是免疫逃避能力最强的新变体。 托普尔周五在推特上写道,BQ.1.1的超强免疫逃避能力“将使其成为未来几周美国下一波疫情的主要背后推手”。 周四,他告诉《财富》杂志,如 …
wsqa瓦楞纸箱入库检验规范副本 - 豆丁网
2021年2月24日 · 1目的 本标准规定了瓦楞纸箱的入库检验要求、方法及合格准则。 2适用范围本标准适用于我公司开关、插座、排插、断路器、室内加热器、换气扇等本部自用瓦楞纸箱的入库检验。 OEM产品的包装检测参照此规范执行.3 标准GB2828.1—2012计数抽样检验程序第1部分:按接收质量限 (AQL)检索的逐批检验抽样计划GB/T6544—2008 瓦楞纸板GB/T6543-2008运输包装用单瓦楞纸箱和双瓦楞纸箱GB/T4857。
新冠BQ.1.1变异株值得担心吗? - 知乎专栏
德国一个实验室比较了现有的 单克隆抗体 对大多数主要发生在 刺突蛋白 的新变异株的耐药性,发现BQ.1.1变异株可以抵抗现有的所有单抗药物。 这种变异株的高比例流行首先在法国出现,和BQ.1变异株一起成为法国十月份的主要流行毒株(10月31日时BQ.1.1占比达到40%,目前已经开始出现下降),最近新增住院率略有上升。 目前,BQ.1和BQ.1.1也已成为美国的主要变异株(BQ.1+BQ.1.1已上升到了49.7%,BA.5%下降到了24%),超过新增病例的一半,从上图可 …
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