Wisconsin Society of Radiologic Technologists (WSRT)
2025年1月12日 · Wisconsin Society of Radiologic Technologists (WSRT) advances medical imaging and therapy professionals. Learn about membership.
We are the Washington Society of Radiologic Technologists. The purpose of the WSRT shall be to advance the professions of radiation and imaging disciplines and specialties; to maintain high standards of education; to enhance the quality of patient care; and to further the welfare and socioeconomics of radiologic technologists.
WSRT Annual Conference & WAERT Student Symposium
Save the date for this year's Wisconsin Society of Radiologic Technologists Annual Conference/WAERT Student Symposium. Learn how to register.
Licensure - Wisconsin Society of Radiologic Technologists (WSRT)
Learn how to become a licensed radiographer, renew your licensure, and check your credentials. View licensure updates.
Wyoming Society of Radiologic Technologists•The Wyoming …
Click to see the latest legislative news, technology updates, and other ASRT happenings. They also offer scholarship opportunities to ASRT members. Current Radiology students and technologists can apply for scholarships from the WSRT. All applicants must be WSRT members to qualify for awards. Make sure your membership is up to date!
WSRT:五十年前的设备,用于最前沿的科学 - 知乎
2019年8月29日 · 开始巡天,为前沿科学家提供新鲜天文数据。 虽然馈源和软件都已经更新成最新的技术,但是机械部分依然用的是50年前的家伙,说到这里不得不佩服一下这些人在那个年代的工业水平。 前不久,笔者有幸参观了一下这个半个世纪前的射电阵列。 根本看不出来这东西是半个世纪之前的产物。 这一列大天线真的是满打满算服役了半个世纪,到现在还保留了完整的机械结构,除了个别有所修缮之外,所有的钢梁和螺丝,都充满了历史气息。 原创: 张沛锦 石头科普 …
The Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT) is a powerful radio telescope that uses a technique called “aperture synthesis” to generate radio images of the sky. The telescope consists of 14 steerable 25m dish antennas and enables astronomers to study a wide range of astrophysics phenomena.
Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope - Wikipedia
The Westerbork Synthesis Radio Telescope (WSRT) is an aperture synthesis interferometer built on the site of the former World War II Nazi detention and transit camp Westerbork, north of the village of Westerbork, Midden-Drenthe, in the northeastern Netherlands.
Conference Schedule — WSRT
Thursday, April 24. 8:00am - 8:30am Registration. 8:30am - 9:20am Presentation 1. 9:30am - 10:20am Presentation 2. 10:20am - 10:40am 20 minute break
Wisconsin Society of Radiologic Technologists | Event Registration
Single registrations can make payment by credit card, check, or employer/school pay. Register multiple students or educators and pay in a single credit card transaction or check. One group registration is needed for each type of conference registration. If you need to pay WSRT a custom amount, please use this button below.