WTHIT - Minecraft Mods - CurseForge
WTHIT is a mod that adds an ingame tooltip with information about what block (or fluid) the player is looking at. It also has an API for other mod to add more info about their blocks. Does WTHIT work with plugin X?
[WTHIT]What The Hell Is That - MC百科|最大的Minecraft中 …
wthit 添加了一个游戏内工具提示,其中包含有关玩家正在查看的方块(或流体)的信息。 WTHIT 还有一个供其他模组添加更多关于它们的方块的信息的 API。
WTHIT - Minecraft Mod - Modrinth
WTHIT is a mod that adds an ingame tooltip with information about what block (or fluid) the player is looking at. It also has an API for other mod to add more info about their blocks. Does WTHIT work with plugin X?
WTHIT Forge Edition - Minecraft Mods - CurseForge
WTHIT is a mod that adds an ingame tooltip with information about what block (or fluid) the player is looking at. It also has an API for other mod to add more info about their blocks. Does it work with [insert minor version]?
【WTHIT 提示窗模組】v12.4.1 繁體中文化 - The Grant World
2024年9月2日 · 發佈 WTHIT v4.10.3 for Minecraft 1.18.2 的 Forge 繁體中文化版。
WTHIT - Files - Minecraft Mods - CurseForge
A fork of Hwyla which is a fork of Waila.
WTHIT Harvestability - MC百科|最大的Minecraft中文MOD百科
本模组是[WTHIT] What The Hell Is That的附属模组,可以显示方块是否可以破坏以及破坏适用的工具和适用工具的等级。 支持中文与 [TiC3] 匠魂 3 挖掘等级的显示;Fabric 下的类似模组: [cimtb] 我 能 挖 它 吗?
badasintended/wthit: what the hell is that? - GitHub
WTHIT - a fork of HWYLA by TehNut which is itself is a fork of WAILA by ProfMobius. To build the project, run ./gradlew build on *nix or gradlew.bat build on Windows. You can also build it with an IDE. When importing the project for the first time, the IDE may show errors about missing class from buildconst package.
改动对比 - [WTHIT]What The Hell Is That - MC百科|最大 …
wthit是一个添加了当玩家看着一个方块时显示相关信息的功能的mod。 它也同样拥有一个让其他 mod 加入独特信息的 api 。 为 hwyla 编写的插件应同样适用于 wthit。 作者会一直维护它,直到有了更好的替代品替换它。
探秘MC世界:深入解读“这到底是什么?(WTHIT)”模组-CSDN …
2024年6月25日 · WTHIT是一款旨在解答你在游戏中遇到的所有“这是什么? ”疑惑的强大工具。 它如同一位无声的导师,当你对着游戏内的物体按住Shift键时,便能即时显示该物体的信息。 这款模组由TehNut基于HWYLA开发,并致敬了原始的WAILA作品,其设计理念是为了让每一位玩家都能在游戏中更加游刃有余。 WTHIT采用了Minecraft模组开发的标准技术和现代构建系统——Gradle,确保了跨平台的兼容性和高效的构建流程。 无论是*nix环境下的./gradlew build …
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