Winston Salem Transit Authourity WSTA | bus route | 100 West 5th …
Winston Salem Transit Authority serving in and around Winston Salem NC. Winston Salem Bus service and TransAID.
Routes - WSTA
Looking for the best way to get around Winston Salem? WSTA has you covered, check the routes page for downloadable maps. New features are coming soon!
Bus Service | City of Winston-Salem, NC
The Winston-Salem Transit Authority (WSTA) provides fixed route and paratransit services to Winston-Salem residents. WSTA currently offers a number of routes that travel throughout the city, offering access to shopping, employment, entertainment, and residential opportunities.
Winston Salem Transit Authority
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Services - WSTA
Our fixed route bus service is perfect for those who want to travel a specific destination on a set schedule. With multiple stops along the way, you easily get to your destination without worrying about driving or parking. Our door to door paratransit service is designed for individuals who require assistance getting to and from their destination.
Winston-Salem Transit Authority - CPTDB Wiki
Winston-Salem Transit Authority (WSTA) provides transit service for the city of Winston-Salem, North Carolina. It was established in 1972 after the city took over transit operations from Safe Bus Company. [1] Routes. Current. Address: 100 W. Fifth St., Winston-Salem, NC 27101. Ex- Safe Bus Company 314-315. To Blacksburg Transit 1501-1502 in 1984.
How's the WTSA bus system? : r/winstonsalem - Reddit
2022年5月9日 · The busses are always clean, on time about 95% of the time, and the website actually has a tracker that you can use to see where your bus is in real time, so even if they are late you can see how far they are from your stop.
WTA Schedules
Our interactive map displays our routes and stops.
Winston-Salem Transit Authority | Winston-Salem NC - Facebook
Winston-Salem Transit Authority, Winston-Salem, North Carolina. 3,299 likes · 3 talking about this · 1,922 were here. The Winston-Salem Transit Authority...
Winston-Salem announces new hybrid-electric bus replacements
2024年7月11日 · There are currently 45 hybrid-electric buses in the WSTA fleet. The funds are being provided through the Low- and No-Emission Grant Program. This will enable WSTA to retire older vehicles and...