Wu Wei Zi - 五味子 - Fructus Schisandrae - American Dragon
Wu Wei Zi means five flavor fruit. The whole fruit is salty. The peel and pulp are sweet and sour. The kernel is pungent and bitter. This herb inhibits the leakage of Lung Qi above and enriches …
Schisandra chinensis - Wikipedia
Schisandra chinensis is a perennial, deciduous woody vine plant found at high latitudes and in cool climatic conditions. It commonly grows in natural coniferous or mixed forests or along …
Wu Wei Zi: A Great Herb, A Little Caution - Jade Institute
Wu wei zi (五味子), is one of the most interesting herbs in common use by physicians of Chinese medicine. It would be surprising to find it missing in any Chinese herbal shop.
Wu Wei Zi (Schisandra berries) in Chinese Medicine
Wu Wei Zi is an assistant ingredient in Sheng Mai San. This means that it either serves to reinforces the effect of other ingredients or it moderates their toxicity. In Sheng Mai San, Wu …
Wu Wei Zi - TCM Herbs - TCM Wiki
2016年9月23日 · It is an important herb for chronic cough and dyspnea of deficiency type due to lung and kidney deficiency. Because it is sour and sweet, it can astringe lung to relieve cough …
五味子_五味子的功效与作用 - 中药查询
【功效与作用】收敛固涩、益气生津、补肾宁心。 属收涩药分类下的敛肺涩肠药。 【临床应用】用量2~6克,煎汤内服;研末,每次1~3克;熬膏;或入丸、散。 外用:适量,研末掺;或 …
五味子 - 中药材 - 中医世家
本品为木兰科植物 五味子 Schisandra chinensis (Turcz.)Baill.或 华中五味子 Schisandra sphenanthera Rehd. et Wils.的干燥 成熟果实。 前者习称“北五味子”,后者习称“南五味子”。 秋 …
All About Wu Wei Zi: The TCM Berry for Vitality and Longevity
2024年10月25日 · Wu Wei Zi, also known as the Five-Flavor Berry or Schisandra Berry, is a revered herb in Traditional Chinese Medicine that has been cherished for centuries for its …
Wu Wei Zi - TCM Simple
Wu Wei Zi, literally five flavor berry in Chinese. It is named becasue of its five different tastes. Wu Wei Zi covers meridians of lung, heart and kidney. Main functions are astringing lung qi, …
Schisandra (Wu Wei Zi) | White Rabbit Institute of Healing
Schisandra (Wu Wei Zi) Botanical Name: Schisandra chinensis, S. sphenanthera. Schisandra is considered one of the great longevity tonic herbs. It is famous as an adaptogen and anti-aging …