GitHub - gawindx/WinNUT-Client: This is a NUT windows client …
WinNUT-Client is a NUT windows client for monitoring your ups hooked up to your favorite linux server. Copyright (C) 2019-2021 Gawindx (Decaux Nicolas)
nutdotnet/WinNUT-Client - GitHub
WinNUT-Client is a NUT windows client for monitoring your ups hooked up to your favorite linux server. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of …
Releases · nutdotnet/WinNUT-Client - GitHub
WinNUT updater code overhauled in anticipation of further changes in WinNUT. The Updater GUI looks and functions the same for the most part. In need of translations (although you may want to wait for the next part of this update before making translations.) Added a third party library (Octokit) in favor of custom update query code.
Windows NUT client download | SourceForge.net
2015年8月11日 · Download Windows NUT client for free. This is a NUT windows client for monitoring your ups hooked up to your favorite linux server. Now you don't need to vnc or ssh into the box to see how your ups is doing!
在Windows安裝Network UPS Tools監控UPS - 蘇老碎碎唸
Network UPS Tools (以下簡稱 NUT ) 是一套第三方可監控 UPS 設備的軟體,除了支援多家大廠的設備,還能將運作模式設定成監控伺服器,透過別台電腦就能遠端取得該伺服器所連接的 UPS 狀態,並確保斷電時可收到資訊,即時進入正常關機程序。 最棒的是,該軟體能在 Windows、Linux 及 MAC 等多種平台使用,連知名 NAS 製造商如 QNAP 及 Synology,他們的系統其實也是利用 NUT 實現對 UPS 設備的監控。 接下來,說明如何在 Windows 上安裝 NUT 監控 UPS 狀態。
讓QNAP NAS的UPS在停電時通知電腦(泛指windows系列)關機
QNAP的NAS是使用 NUT (Network UPS Tools) 來執行UPS的動作,所以在PC端安裝winNUT (The Windows Network UPS Tools)就可以了。 QNAP相關設定在外接裝置-不斷電系統,設定就如上。 如果想要多些功能,或是再用winNUT做些什麼的話,可以安裝使用winNTU。 但若是沒有其他目的,建議可以安裝winNUT-client。 # time to shutdown first. # "slave" means this system shuts down immediately when power goes critical.
Tutorial Windows NUT client (incl GUI) - Network UPS
2021年12月16日 · Guide, how to setup Windows NUT client (incl GUI) First - How to ENABLE NETWORK UPS SERVER in your NAS (DSM part): Permitted DiskStation Devices ...
讓UPS同時保護NAS和PC-Windows NUT client - Mobile01
2014年1月20日 · 下載 WinNUTClient 並解壓縮. 2. 確定NAS、PC和Router都接在UPS上 (不然跳電時沒網路PC也收不到訊號) 3. 把UPS的訊號線插到NAS上. 1. 在控制台-硬體-不斷電系統中,勾選"啟動網路不斷電系統伺服器" 2. 點"允許的DiskStation",輸入PC的IP (內網的IP) 1. 先完成NAS設定後,打開軟體. 2. Setting -> Connection. 3. Settings -> Calibration. 4. Settings -> Misc. 5. Apply,然後點Reconnect,成功的話可以看到UPS狀態,然後就可以測試啦! 6. 記得把這軟 …
Network UPS Tools - Related projects
2025年3月12日 · WMNut is a dockapp program to monitor multiple UPSs statistics through the NUT (Network UPS Tools) framework on Linux and other systems. The "apcupsd-monitor" Android app actually supports several server protocols for monitoring power devices, including apcupsd, NUT, Eaton IPM (XML/HTTP) and commands over SSH.
下載檔案列表 - Windows NUT client - OSDN
2015年8月12日 · This is a NUT windows client for monitoring your ups hooked up to your favorite linux server. Now you don't need to vnc or ssh into the box to see how your ups is doing!