World Veterans Federation – International network with over 60 …
The World Veterans Federation (WVF) is an international non-profit, non-governmental umbrella veteran organization. The WVF's mission is to be the leading organization promoting wellbeing and providing assistance and aid to veterans and victims of war and assisting the international community in the promotion of international peace and security.
Executive Board – World Veterans Federation
The WVF Executive Board is composed of the President, the Deputy President, the Secretary General, the Treasurer General, and 6 Vice Presidents who are the elected or appointed Chairpersons of the Regional Standing Committees and the Standing Committee on Women.
World Veterans Federation - Wikipedia
The World Veterans Federation (WVF) is the world's largest international veteran organisation. The federation consists of 172 veterans organizations from 121 countries representing some 60 million veterans worldwide. [1] It is a humanitarian organisation, a charity and a …
United States Navy Working Capital Fund - Wikipedia
The United States Navy Working Capital Fund (NWCF) is a branch of the family of United States Department of Defense (DoD) Working Capital Funds. The NWCF is a revolving fund, an account or fund that relies on sales revenue rather than direct Congressional appropriations to …
About us - The World Veterans
The WVF began on Sunday, 9 June 1946 when six Belgian and French veterans of the First World War gathered around a table at the “Maison du Peuple” in Brussels, Belgium to discuss the possibility of setting up a world association of war veterans.
World Veterans Federation | LinkedIn
Established in Paris, France in 1950 by founding members from 8 countries, namely: Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Turkey, USA and Yugoslavia, the WVF is now a Federation of 172...
Navy意思 -什麼意思網 - wvf.com.tw
"Navy" 這個詞在英語中通常有以下幾個意思: 海軍:指一個國家的海軍部隊,負責海上防禦和作戰任務。 海軍藍:一種深藍色,類似於傳統海軍制服的顏色。
Navy是什麼意思 -什麼意思網 - wvf.com.tw
除了軍事意義外,navy 也可以指海軍穿著的特定顏色,通常是一種深藍色,有時也被稱為 navy blue。 這種顏色與海軍緊密相關,因為它是許多國家海軍制服的傳統顏色。
The World Veterans Federation - Facebook
The World Veterans Federation. 23,970 likes · 6 talking about this. The World Veterans Federation is an international non-profit, non-governmental...
d-alone Army WCF, Navy WCF, and Air Force WCF will be disaggregated by business act. has identified the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) performance measures based on missions and...