White Without Pressure WWOP - Maine Family Eye Care
Retinal white without pressure (WWOP) is a common retinal condition that is reported to occur in up to 30% of the general population. One study found WWOP in 2.5% of whites and 23% of …
Peripheral Retinal Degenerations - EyeWiki
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) has been shown to greatly benefit the diagnosis of peripheral retinal degenerations by characterizing structural elements. Such detail includes the …
Atlas Entry - White Without Pressure (WWP) - University of Iowa
Clinically, a white appearance of the equator and/or peripheral retina seen without scleral indentation. Margins are often sharply demarcated from normal retina. Frequently …
Ultra-widefield fluorescein angiography of white without pressure
2013年5月24日 · To describe ultra-widefield fluorescein angiography (UWFA) findings in eyes with white without pressure (WWOP) and in eyes without any obvious peripheral chorioretinal …
Analysis of White and Dark without Pressure in a Young Myopic …
White without pressure (WWOP) is more common in the myopic population, with an incidence rate of 46.5–51.7% [4, 5, 6]. Dark without pressure (DWOP) is also reported in myopic eyes, and …
边缘视网膜非压迫白是什么意思?有什么要注意的吗? - 知乎
非压迫白 常见于 高度近视 人的眼底周边 视网膜病变,600度以上属于高度近视。 也有少数中度近视或者无近视眼的人出现良性的视网膜病变表现为非压迫白。 非压迫白不需要处理,定期查 …
Lattice degeneration with retinal holes and WWOP - RetinaRA
-Lattice degeneration is a common peripheral retinal degeneration that is characterized by localized retinal thinning, overlying vitreous liquefaction, and marginal vitreoretinal adhesion. …
Peripheral Retinal Degenerations and Treatment Options
2022年6月27日 · White-with-pressure (WWP) is a phenomenon seen in the peripheral retina where there is sharply demarcated retinal opacification seen only with scleral indentation. …
The Usual (Retina) Suspects - Modern Optometry
White without pressure (WWOP) is a common peripheral retina finding often seen in young patients with myopia. The etiology of WWOP is not well understood. Although WWOP …
White without Pressure - Optos
White without pressure is a retinal phenomenon produced by vitreous traction on the surface of the retina. Because it is a superficial phenomenon, it will be more apparent on the green …