Dr Richard Anthony Harris - Author Surgeon Father
Visit richardaharris.com today to pick up your copy! Discover 'Imagine' Richard A Harris' first publication. Inspired by one of the greatest works of art ever, revolutionary in nature, John Lennon's song Imagine, the novel itself takes you on a journey across the world with the harmonies of the song in mind.
Richard Harris - Wikipedia
Richard St John Francis Harris (1 October 1930 – 25 October 2002) [3] was an Irish actor and singer. Having studied at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Art, he rose to prominence as an icon of the British New Wave. He received numerous accolades including the Cannes Film Festival Award for Best Actor, and a Grammy Award.
Media | richardaharris.com | Imagine: A Novel
From the operating theatre to spending hours in front of his laptop, local vascular surgeon, Dr Richard Harris, has ventured into the world of writing with the publication of his first novel, ‘Imagine’. When John Lennon wrote Imagine in 1971 it was just after an era of great social change and hope.
An interview with Richard on his new life and experiences as an …
Mar 4, 2021 · My name is Richard Harris, I am a father, an author now and a Vascular Surgeon. Like many people I have had a very hard time in these last 12 months. I lost my partner and lovely wife of 29 years to breast cancer in 2020 and so the birth of this book Imagine has come at a time of great thoughtfulness around meaning and life in general.
Richard Harris - IMDb
Richard St John Harris was born on October 1, 1930 in Limerick, Ireland, to a farming family, one of nine children born to Mildred (Harty) and Ivan Harris. He attended Crescent College, a Jesuit school, and was an excellent rugby player, with a strong passion for literature.
Richard Anthony Harris (Author of Imagine) - Goodreads
Feb 6, 2021 · Dr Richard Anthony Harris, that’s me, can be a bit of a dreamer. On the one hand I am a busy Vascular Surgeon to real people. On the other a daydreamer and writer who fell in love with words quite a while ago.
理查德·哈里斯 - 百度百科
理查德·哈里斯(Richard Harris,1930年10月1日-2002年10月25日) [1],出生于 爱尔兰 的Limerick,演员。 他在《哈利波特》系列电影的前两部中扮演 阿不思·邓布利多。 1962年,参演电影《如此运动生涯》。 [5]2002年参演电影《凯撒大帝》。 1930年10月,理查德·哈里斯出生在爱尔兰利默尼里克的一个农场家庭。 中学时代 曾是 橄榄球 运动员,据说天赋极高,结果被一场 肺结核 断送了前程。 病好之后,哈里斯去了 伦敦,学习戏剧表演。 还在学校的时候,他就用自己 …
理查德·哈里斯 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
理查德·聖約翰·弗朗西斯·哈里斯 (英語: Richard St John Francis Harris,1930年10月1日—2002年10月25日 [1]),愛爾蘭演員及歌手。 哈里斯曾就讀於 倫敦音樂與戲劇藝術學院,他以 英國新浪潮 (英語:British New Wave) 的標誌而聲名鵲起。 他獲得了無數榮譽,包括了 坎城影展最佳男演員獎 及 葛萊美獎。 2020年,他在《愛爾蘭時報》的愛爾蘭最偉大的電影演員名單中位列第三位 [2]。 哈里斯憑著1963年的《如此運動生涯 (英語:This Sporting Life)》及1991年 …
Dr Richard Anthony Harris - Author - Tulpen Publishing - LinkedIn
Jan 10, 2022 · Lifelong explorer of words and meaning, longtime writer and sometime poet, philosopher and opinion maker, lover of life and people. Set up Kuring-gai Vascular Surgery in 2002 to provide excellence...
- Title: Author of Imagine, a novel. …
- Location: Tulpen Publishing
- Connections: 295
Richard Harris: An Australian Endovascular Surgeon’s Perspective …
Nov 23, 2021 · We’ve gone Down Under to get an Australian endovascular surgeon’s perspective on healthcare from Richard Harris on this episode of the Perspectives on Healthcare Podcast with Rob Oliver. He is a member of the baby Boomer generation and is in Sydney, Australia. Additionally, he is an author.