WXI AM Outdoor 180-degree PIR with antimasking | OPTEX Europe
SMDA logic: digital analysis for enhanced environmental variance adaptation. Part of the WX Infinity (WXI) series, a range of 12m 180 degree outdoor volumetric PIRs, the WXI-AM is the …
180 Degree Panoramic Outdoor PIR Detector : WX INFINITY Series
WXI detects covering objects on lens surface. IR digital anti-masking function optimizes trigger level of trouble outputs generated by masking depends on status of lens surface. A well …
WX Infinity (WXI) AM, 180 degree outdoor PIR wired model
The WX Infinity (WXI) series is the first in the Infinity range to have a 180-degree detection area. Utilizing both analog and digital technologies, the WXI series excels in detecting approaching …
WXI-R Wireless outdoor 180-degree PIR | OPTEX Europe
Part of the OPTEX WX Infinity (WXI) series, a range of 12m 180 degree outdoor volumetric PIRs, the WXI-R is the wireless, standard model.
Experience unparalleled protection with the WXI series, which combines years of proven expertise and advanced features to quickly identify and deter potential intruders. This WXI setup …
Optex WXI Outdoor PIR - Security Hyperstore
The Optex WXI Outdoor PIR series represents a cutting-edge family of external sensors, leveraging years of proven experience in security technology. This series employs both analog …
OPTEX WXI-AM - Communica [Part No: OPTEX WXI-AM]
Utilizing both analog and digital technologies, the WXI series excels in detecting approaching intrusions before they gain access into your protected area. The WX Infinity series features …
OPTEX WXI-AM 12m 180° outdoor PIR, anti-masking, low moun
The WXI series features 180 degree detection coverage enabling with one single sensor to cover a wide area, such as front garden, courtyard or patio area. The double layered detection …
Optex Outdoor Beams - Saunderson Security
Outdoor Dual Beam; Max detection range: 20M; Size (mm): 170H x 65W x 70D; IP65 structure; Weight: 1.2 Kg
Illuminate your outdoor space with the remarkable OPTEX WXI OUTDOOR BEAM, offering an impressive 180 degree detection range. With just one sensor, you can effortlessly monitor a …