WXR Panel | Buy Flight Simulator Parts | SBS Simulators
Full scale replica Boeing 737 CARGO and WXR panel. Warm white backlight; Directly plug CPflight daisy chain ( CPfligth MCP required ) COMPATIBILITY: Project Magenta (at present only the test function is operating), PROSIM737 and iFly; 5 pole connection cable ( 70 cm – provided )
MultiScan is a fully automatic radar that displays all significant weather at all ranges, at all aircraft altitudes, and at all times without the need for pilots to input tilt or gain settings, all with an …
Weather Radar / Predictive Windshear System
ASC provides turn-key multi-channel WxR systems that simulators may install in their devices. The system is a stand alone PC that reads standard EFIS and/or WxR control panel ARINC 429 buses.
B737 NG series - CPflight
Full scale replica of Boeing 737 MODE CONTROL PANEL. Custom Warm white backlighted frontplate. Yellow digit to displays Altitude, VS, Heading, IAS , Left and Right Course. Knobs with symbols on course (both), heading and altitude. C/O, Speed and Alt Intervention round buttons. External or internal display and backlight brightness regulation.
B737 Weather Radar Panel - AviationHunt
TEST – With WXR selected on at least one EFIS Control Panel, places radar system in test mode. When selecting TEST, weather radar panel lighting increases to full bright, dims, then returns to the brightness setting selected prior to selecting TEST.
WXR737P - CPflight
Full scale replica of Boeing 737 WXR panel • Warm white backlight • The module is supplied with aluminium fasteners, screws and nuts (optional ¼ turn original fastners) • Works with MCP737PRO3, MCP737PRO2, MCP737NG, MCP737EL and MCP737PRO versions • Direct daisy-chain connection to all MCP737 versions through single 5 pole cable (provided)
WXR737P – Aviosim Nederland
Full scale replica of Boeing 737 WXR panel • Warm white backlight • The module is supplied with aluminium fasteners, screws and nuts (optional ¼ turn original fastners) • Works with MCP737PRO3, MCP737PRO2, MCP737NG, MCP737EL and MCP737PRO versions • Direct daisy-chain connection to all MCP737 versions through single 5 pole cable (provided)
2041223-0414 Wxr Control Panel 2041223-0414 | Boeing Parts …
Shop Boeing for Honeywell International Inc. Aviation 2041223-0414 Wxr Control Panel. A leading provider of airplane parts and supplies.
WXR737 - CPflight
Full scale replica of Boeing 737 WXR panel • Warm white backlight • The module is supplied with aluminium fasteners, screws and nuts (optional ¼ turn original fastners) • Works with PRO, PRO2, EL versions • Direct daisy-chain connection to MCP737 through single 5 …
Provide an overall understanding of WXR-2100 MultiScanTM Weather Radar principles and operation. Identify system components and the functional/operational characteristics of each Line Replaceable Unit (LRU). Identify typical WXR-2100 MultiScanTM Weather Radar system interface/system architecture.