Wyndia - The Rising of the Shield Hero Wiki
Wyndia (ウィンディア, Uindia?) is a slave bought by Naofumi Iwatani. Wyndia has dog ears and a tail. Wyndia has a strong attachment to monsters, especially when it comes to dragons. She prefers to see them as friends instead of pets or experiments. Wyndia was raised by the Dragon Emperor called...
Wyndia (Web Novel) - The Rising of the Shield Hero Wiki
Wyndia is a slave girl brought to Naofumi by the Slave Merchant to help populate his village. A victim of Naofumi's lazy-naming scheme, Naofumi calls her Taniko because she reminded him of a character from his world surround by a giant worm who lives in the Wind Valley, tani (谷) meaning valley and ko (子) meaning child.
Wyndia (Spin-off) - The Rising of the Shield Hero Wiki
Wyndia was a demi-human raised by the dragon emperor named Gaelion. This dragon cared for her deeply and taught her how to live and how to cast rare Way of the Dragon Vein magic. However, her father Gaelion was killed by Ren after he …
Wyndia - Breath of Fire Wiki | Fandom
Wyndia, also known as Winlan or Windia, is a recurring kingdom in the Breath of Fire series. It is the home of the Wing Clan, including the various incarnations of Nina, and it is typically depicted as a major world power. Its city is usually situated at a high elevation, which allows it to...
Nina (Breath of Fire II) | Breath of Fire Wiki | Fandom
Nina Windia is a playable character who appears in Breath of Fire II. She is the eldest princess of Wyndia (spelled "Windia" in this gane) and a member of the Wing Clan. She is unique among her people in that she was born with black wings, which they view as a birth defect.
Breath of Fire III/Off to Wyndia - StrategyWiki
2021年3月19日 · You will be taken to Wyndia Castle, in the presence of the king. When Balio and Sunder discover the cage, however, Ryu will have resumed his normal appearance. The king will then take you for charlatans and have you all locked up in prison. In the cell, you will be joined by Princess Nina, who intends to free you.
温蒂雅 (盾之勇者成名录) | 动漫百科
2025年3月2日 · 动漫《盾之勇者成名录》中的角色温蒂雅(由菱川花菜配音),包含角色的身高、年龄、生日、性别等资料。 犬系的亚人。 被龙帝加艾利昂抚养长大,但亲生父亲加艾利昂被炼讨伐而亡,之后被冒险者捕获并作为奴隶出售,最终被希望复兴鲁洛罗纳村的尚文买下。 虽然讨厌敌害自己的炼,但当炼对自己和自身的罪恶产生消极想法时,会给予他鼓励。 随着...
Wyndia (The Rising of the Shield Hero) | Anime Wiki
2025年3月2日 · Anime "The Rising of the Shield Hero" features the character Wyndia (voiced by Hana Hishikawa), including details like height, age, birthday, and gender. A... A dog-like demi-human.
Catacombs | Breath of Fire Wiki | Fandom
The Catacombs are a dungeon in Breath of Fire III. They are located in the basement of Wyndia Castle and provide an alternate exit to Wyndia City from the castle prison. The majority of the Catacombs are inaccessible after you exit the area. Only the last crypt can be revisited using the exit to Wyndia City.
Wyndia/Powers and Abilities - The Rising of the Shield Hero Wiki
As a result of being the adopted daughter of a dragon, Wyndia is quite proficient in magic but has not been seen with any physical combat abilities. Perhaps due to her upbringing, she is also very knowledgeable and capable at managing the monsters.