Ciężki karabin maszynowy wz. 30 - Wikipedia
Ckm wz. 30 (short for ciężki karabin maszynowy wz. 30; "heavy machine gun 1930 Pattern") is a Polish-made clone of the American Browning M1917 heavy machine gun.
wz. 30 - Tank Encyclopedia
2024年7月15日 · The wz. 30 was a Polish agricultural tractor modified to create cheap armored vehicles during the 1930s period of rearmament.
Nagant wz. 30 - Wikipedia
Rewolwer Nagant wz. 30 and wz. 32 were two Polish derivatives of the Nagant M1895 revolver. They were almost identical to the Soviet variants with only minor differences in weight, length and sights design. The Nagant M1895 was mass-produced in Imperial Russia and the Soviet Union as a standard side-arm of officers and NCOs.
Ckm wz. 30 | Military Wiki | Fandom
Ckm wz.30 (short for ciężki karabin maszynowy wz.30; "heavy machine gun Mark 1930") is a Polish-made clone of the American Browning M1917 heavy machine gun. Produced with various modifications such as greater caliber, longer barrel and adjustable sighting device,[1] it was an improved although...
平独镇露:二战时期波兰装甲力量 - 哔哩哔哩
双炮塔上各安装了一挺7.92毫米勃郎宁wz.30机枪。 (或者一挺13.2毫米wz.30重机枪,另一个炮塔安装7.92毫米wz.30机枪)。 1935年春开始生产,双炮塔的坦克已经过时且火力不足,很快就被停产来制造更为现代的单炮塔型号。
CKM WZ-30 - pmulcahy.com
First, the WZ-30 is chambered for 8mm Mauser instead of .30-06 Springfield. The barrel and water-filled barrel jacket is lengthened to allow longer range fire; the barrel is 28.35 inches, with a conical flash suppressor. The diopter-type rear sight is replaced by a simpler open-notch sight.
Wz. 30 Browning - Internet Movie Firearms Database
The Wz. 30 incorporates several improvements on the original Browning design, including a longer barrel, improved sights suitable for anti-aircraft use, and an easier to use barrel change mechanism. The Wz. 30 became the standard machine gun of the Polish Army and was also used in vehicle mounts.
民国时代中国轻兵器(机枪篇三) - 哔哩哔哩
Ckm wz.30型机枪为波兰未经授权制造的M1917型,使用7.92×57毫米毛瑟子弹。 一些微小的改动包括使用新式的金属瞄具(V形凹槽)、加长了尾部握把及简化了枪械锁闭机制以简便枪管更换与操作,另外为了兼顾反步兵与防控用途而更新了底座、瞄具与把手。
波兰“勃朗宁”:wz.30系列重机枪 - 参考网
2023年7月21日 · wz.30重机枪实质上是柯尔特M1919重机枪的仿品,全枪长1200mm、空枪质量13.6kg,战斗质量(包括脚架、枪弹和冷却水)65kg,理论射速600发/分,使用330发帆布弹链供弹。 相比于柯尔特M1919重机枪,wz.30重机枪改用弧形表尺,增高表尺座,增大握把,改进套筒上的入水口,以适配新的冷却套件,套筒偏左的位置还安装有对空高射准星用的底座。 或许是受wz.08(德国MG08)重机枪的启发,波兰人还考虑了光学瞄准镜的使用:在wz.30重机枪的机 …
博福斯wz.30岸防炮是多少mm口径? - 知乎
2019年3月7日 · wz.30是瑞典的 Boffors 公司(厂家)生产的,图中这门是1935年安装在波兰的葛丹炮台仅存的一门, 二战初期,这里是荷勒海防重镇,这些岸炮阻止了德军军舰的靠近。